
Eco-Reps are a team of peer-to-peer educators committed to building a sustainable future on campus. Guided by the Office of Sustainability, the team supports green practices in residence halls.

Eco-Reps and their NWF Eco-Leader Badge

Eco-Reps promote sustainability initiatives in residence halls through educational presentations and engagement activities. These efforts allow for continued growth in the understanding and practice of sustainable living.

Become an Eco-Rep

If you live on campus and are interested in learning more, email or look for the application on Handshake


  • Engage with residents to provide education and information on sustainable topics such as waste and recycling, energy, transportation, water conservation and more.
  • Support the implementation of the Residence Hall Green Room Certification by providing information and support to residents to complete the certification and awarding Green Room Certificates.
  • Attend monthly meetings to connect, share updates, and collaborate with other Eco-Reps on sustainability initiatives.

Request a Presentation from an Eco-Rep

Eco-Reps are available to give short presentations to residence halls upon request.

The presentation covers topics including consumption, conservation, and waste management. The information shared emphasizes practical knowledge and actionable solutions for residents to apply to their spaces. Both residents and Resident Assistants can submit a presentation request.

Want to learn more about Sustainable Living? Please submit your presentation request at least two weeks prior to your desired presentation date. 

Submit a Presentation Request