Resources & Guidance
All Institutional Review Board (IRB) documents and guidance forms can be found below.
- PI Manual (PDF)/(DOCX)
- Template Consent Form (Appendices A and B) (PDF/DOCX)
- Faculty Advisor Agreement (PDF/DOCX)
- CITI Training Selection Guide (PDF)
- TU IRB Quick Guide (PPTX)
- Kuali Protocols User Guide (PPTX)
- Research and Review Category Tables (PDF)
- Guidance for Deception and Incomplete Disclosure (PDF)
- Guidance for Conducting Research with Individuals for whom English is NOT their First Language (PDF)/(DOCX)
- Table for Submitting Original and Back-Translated Versions of Research Documents (DOCX)
IRB Newsletter Articles
Research Ethics of Language
Towson University pledged to become a more inclusive and equitable institution in its Diversity Strategic Plan 2020-2025. One way that the IRB supports this goal is by making suggestions on the language used in research documents to refer to the identities of human subjects’ research participants. Many professional organizations, such as the American Psychological Association (APA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), have published guidelines for inclusive and destigmatizing language. I will begin by defining inclusive language terms. I will then discuss the relevance of language related to identity as an ethical issue. Finally, I will provide some suggestions for appropriate language use. Resources to support the use of inclusive and destigmatizing language will also be provided.
Definitions of inclusive language terminology
The APA and NIH encourage the use of person-first or identity-first language depending on the preferences of the community to which one is referring. In person-first
language, the individual’s personhood is emphasized over their disability, characteristic,
or condition. For example, we would use the term “a person with an addiction” to emphasize
that addiction is only one aspect of the person, as opposed to “an addict” which suggests
that “addict” is the person’s whole identity. To the contrary, in identity-first language, the disability, characteristic, or condition is emphasized such as when referring
to older adults or addicted persons. People may prefer identity-first language because
it is a way that the individual can “own” the disability, characteristic, or condition
as a point of pride, because it is a way of emphasizing their connection with a specific
community, or for other reasons. For example, in Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous,
using the moniker, “addict” is an important part of the recovery process. Referring
to oneself as an addict is a way of acknowledging that being addicted to substances
is a central part of who the person is and that recovery from addiction is a lifelong
process. In inclusive language, the goal is to avoid use of terms that would exclude groups of people such as when
using “mankind” to refer to all people; in this case, individuals who identify as
women or non-binary may feel excluded.
Why the language we use is an ethical issue
The main goal of research with human subjects is to understand and/or solve the real-world
problems of specific populations. As such, good research depends on our ability to
recruit samples of participants that represent the population to which we want to
generalize our findings. The language we use in our research documents, especially
our recruitment materials and informed consent forms, is therefore critical for ensuring
that we attract and enroll all segments of our target population. Factors that may
impact a researcher’s ability to recruit a representative sample are using language
that excludes or invalidates a specific segment of the target population and/or failing
to provide clear inclusion/exclusion criteria. Failing to recruit a representative
sample may mean that the study is not capable of meeting its stated aims. As noted
in the PI manual, a study that cannot meet its aims has only risks and no benefits.
In addition to impacting the external validity of a study, use of language that excludes, invalidates, or ignores specific segments of a population might be seen as a microaggression. Microaggressions are everyday slights, insults, or invalidations of individuals from minoritized identities that can negatively impact mental health. Thus, using exclusive language is inconsistent with the Belmont Report Principle of Non-Malfeasance or “Do No Harm.” For example, asking individuals whether they identify as male or female in demographics questionnaires may make individuals who do not identify with the gender binary feel excluded from or invalidated by the research.
Recommendations for appropriate language use in research documents
As suggested above, different communities may have different preferences for the terms
used to describe them and their community. As such, researchers should be careful
to educate themselves about the ways in which different communities refer to themselves
when developing research documents such as recruitment materials and informed consent
forms. The APA’s Inclusive Language Guideline suggests that if a community’s preferences are unknown, it is best to use person-first
language. Moreover, PI’s should be thoughtful about who their target population is
and be sure that their protocols and recruitment materials are clear about the inclusion
and exclusion criteria for the study. For example, if the study is examining biological
differences between males and females, then recruitment materials should be clear
that the target population is individuals who were assigned male or female at birth
or whose gender identity matches their sex assigned at birth. Finally, demographics
questions assessing identities should be exhaustive or permit participants to write
in their identity. For example, researchers may use two questions to assess gender
identity. The first question would ask whether the individual identifies with the
trans community. The second question, “I identify as” would give participants the
following options to choose from: (a) a man, (b) a woman, (c) non-binary, (d) I prefer
to write in my gender identity. If (d) is chosen, then participants should be given
the option to write in their gender identity. The same approach can be used when
assessing race and ethnicity. Note that use of the option “other” may make participants
who do not identify with one of the given categories feel invalidated and therefore
should not be used.
Resources for inclusive language
Researchers who want more information about inclusive language should visit the APA’s
Inclusive Language Guidelines, or the National Institutes of Health’s NIH Style Guide: Person-first and Destigmatizing Language.
Online Participant Recruitment
Many of us learned how easy and convenient online data collection can be during the pandemic. The internet provides easy access to diverse study populations and is a quick and convenient way to obtain large samples. Using online surveys that are set to remove IP addresses is one way to ensure that participants, and their data, are anonymous, especially when there is no compensation being provided. It is important for researchers to remember, however, that recruitment materials represent the first contact with potential research participants. Thus, recruitment is the point at which the informed consent process begins and must be guided by the principles of Autonomy, Justice, and Non-malfeasance, which are explained below. This month, I want to talk about how those principles affect online recruitment as well as IRB policies that researchers must follow when recruiting participants online.
Autonomy and Online Recruitment
The principle of Autonomy requires that researchers respect research participants’ rights to privacy and to
make the decision voluntarily whether to take part in a study. The internet may seem
to be a public forum. As such, researchers may believe that individuals’ identities
and the information they share online is public. This belief is problematic for two
main reasons. First, closed, or private (e.g., online AA or NA meetings; organizational
Listservs; online support groups) sites have rules of conduct that indicate who may
post to the site, who has access to the membership list, and what types of information
may be posted to the site. As such, members of closed groups can reasonably expect
that their identities and the information they share will be kept private, at least
within the group. Second, members of private online groups or Listserv subscribers
may view information that is shared as having been endorsed or approved by owners
or moderators. Moreover, researchers may be members of the groups from which they
want to recruit (e.g., if the PI is in recovery and wants to recruit other recovering
individuals through an online AA meeting that the PI regularly attends). In both instances,
there is the concern that members may feel undue influence to participate in the research
when they would otherwise choose not to.
Justice and Online Recruitment
The principle of Justice requires that the risks and burdens must be shared equally among all segments of
a population that stands to benefit from the research. Thus, for example, if a study
is expected to benefit the general population, then the PI may not limit their recruitment
to a specific segment of the population (e.g., prisoners) that is easily accessible.
This is also true for online recruitment.
Non-Malfeasance and Online Recruitment
Finally, researchers are obligated by the principle of Non-malfeasance either to “do no harm” or to minimize harm to the extent possible. When conducting
studies on sensitive topics such as substance use, bereavement, gender- or sexual-minorities,
researchers may want to recruit participants through sites or listservs that cater
to these populations. However, researchers must not do anything that would violate
members’ sense of trust in the sites or give the impression that the group does not
respect members’ privacy. If participants lose trust in a site, they may lose access
to an important support system such as a bereavement or mutual help group. It may
also make participants reluctant to trust other comparable sites.
Policies for Online Recruitment
There are many ways in which researchers can use the internet to recruit participants.
For example, researchers may send emails through listservs. They may pay Social Media
Influencers to make announcements about the study or for banner advertisements. Researchers
may post material about the study on their personal social media site or to open or
closed social media groups that cater to specific populations. When using such methods,
researchers must provide the following information in their IRB applications:
- Researchers must provide a list of all online venues where they intend to post study
information, which would include:
- All websites (i.e., URLs);
- All social media groups, threads, or forums;
- Names of all Social Media Influencers who will make announcements about the study;
- All sites that will be paid to post advertisements; and/or
- All organizational listservs that will share study information.
- Researchers must indicate whether each online venue they plan to use is private (closed) or public (open). For private sites, the researcher must read and agree to abide by their rules. Researchers may also share links to the rules for posting in their application. If permission from moderators is required to post research recruitment materials, then the researcher must state that they will obtain permission from the moderator before they post their recruitment notices.
- Researchers must provide the language that will be used in emails or social media posts as well as attach to the application all fliers that will be posted. If Social Media Influencers will be paid to recruit participants, then the PI must include the script that will be used by the Influencer when making announcements about the study.
- Spamming is prohibited. Therefore, researchers must indicate that if their study is taken down, they will not post the link or advertisement to that site again. Moreover, while they may post to the same site more than once, if permitted by the site moderators and/or rules, researchers should keep the number of posts to the same site reasonable (e.g., no more than once per week).
Conducting Research with Students in Your Classes
College students, especially those enrolled in a faculty member’s course, are an easily accessible sample making them highly attractive as potential research subjects. This is especially true when the research question focuses on instructional techniques. This article discusses why college students, especially students in your classes, should be considered vulnerable populations. Content will focus on the necessary protections that PI’s must have in place should they want to use their own students as research subjects.
Why College Students are Considered Vulnerable Populations
The National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC, 2001) defines a vulnerable population
as “a person or persons whose capacity to provide voluntary informed consent is limited
due to one or more of the following intrinsic characteristics: (a) cognitive or communicative
limitations, (b) institutional vulnerability, (c) deferential vulnerability, (d) medical
vulnerability, (e) economic vulnerability and/or (f) social vulnerability”. College
students possess one or more of these characteristics making them a vulnerable population.
Specifically, some college students are minors and are therefore unable to legally
provide informed consent. As such, college students may be susceptible to undue influence
or coercion because of deferential or institutional vulnerability. For example, if
the Principal Investigator (PI) is their course instructor, students may not believe
they have the right to refuse participation. Alternatively, they may believe that
participation will give them benefits such as lenience on the part of the instructor
when grading assignments or the opportunity to have their grades raised. This is
especially true for students who are doing poorly in a class. Finally, students may
come from minoritized or marginalized groups (e.g., DACA; sexual/gender minorities)
for whom the potential risks and burdens of research may be greater than for non-minoritized
Special Protections Needed when using Students in your Classes as Research Participants
It is important to note that some universities do not permit professors to use students
in their own classes as research subjects. Towson University does permit this if
the research is relevant to college students (Principle of Justice, Belmont Report) and the PI puts some or all of the following protections in place.
- Protection Option 1: Faculty should consider recruiting a Co-Investigator (Co-I) who has no relationship to the students. This Co-I should be fully responsible for obtaining informed consent and implementing the study procedures. The Co-I can be a graduate student. However, the Co-I should not be the course Teaching Assistant because the issue of undue influence or coercion is the same for anyone who has access to or control over course grades.
- Protection Option 2: The research should be conducted fully online with the survey set to anonymize the data (i.e., to not collect IP addresses). In this way, no additional personnel are required to conduct the study procedures.
Both options ensure that the Instructor/PI will not know who has chosen to participate in the study and will not be able to link specific students to their data.
Additional Protections Required when Students will be Compensated for their Participation:
To reduce the risk of coercion, the PI should not know who has chosen to participate.
This is not possible when compensation in the form of extra credit will be provided.
If a PI wants to offer extra credit as an incentive, the following procedures must
be followed. First, the Instructor should not know who has participated in the study until after the final exam has been graded.
If Option 1 is used, the Co-I can maintain the list of students eligible to earn extra credit
and provide this list to the course instructor at the appropriate time. If Option 2 is used, then the instructor should provide a link to a separate survey where students
can enter their names to be eligible for extra credit. The PI must indicate in both
the protocol and the consent form that they, the instructor, will not access this
list until after the Final Exam has been graded. In all instances where extra credit will be offered
for study participation, the faculty instructor MUST offer alternative ways for students to earn extra credit other than study participation.
Language to be Included in the Informed Consent Form
- Voluntary Nature of Participation: Although all consent forms must make clear the voluntary nature of research, this is particularly important when the PI is the course instructor for potential research subjects. In addition to stating that the decision whether to participate is entirely up to the subject, the consent form should also state that the decision whether to participate will in no way affect the student’s grade in the class, the student’s relationship with the faculty member, or the student’s relationship with Towson University.
- Whether Participation and Data are Anonymous: The consent form should explain whether the course instructor will know who participated. If no compensation is being offered, then the study can be considered anonymous (i.e., the instructor will not know who participated and will be unable to link specific students to their responses). If extra credit or other form of compensation is being offered, students must be informed when the instructor will know who participated and how the security of the list of participants will be ensured until such time as extra credit is being awarded (e.g., the list is being maintained by an outside investigator and will not be shared with the instructor until after the Final Exam has been graded).
- Alternatives to Participation: If extra credit is being offered, the consent form needs to make clear what students need to do to earn extra credit (e.g., sign a sign-in sheet; provide their contact information in a separate survey). In addition, the consent form should make clear alternative methods for earning extra credit other than study participation.
Other Considerations
When engaged in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), there may be instances
in which the PI is trying out a new instructional technique that may, or may not,
be beneficial. In this case, the data being collected are classroom assignments that
all students are required to complete. Moreover, students are only being asked to
complete surveys or to participate in procedures that are a routine part of the course.
Finally, because it is a new instructional technique, the PI may not know whether
they plan to publish or present the data collected. In this instance alone, the PI may implement the new instructional technique without IRB approval. If the
data proves to be interesting, the PI may then submit a protocol requesting permission
to publish or present data that were previously collected for non-research purposes
(i.e., Exempt Category 4). It is recommended, however, that PI’s contact a member
of the IRB or someone in the Research Office before making the decision about whether
an IRB application is needed.
What IRB Members Are Looking For When Reviewing Applications
One of the keys to successfully navigating the IRB review process is to understand what reviewers are looking for in an application. This month, I offer this information to help applicants better understand how to reduce the number of revisions that may be required, thereby speeding up the review process.
Make Sure the Risk/Benefit Ratio is Clear and Favorable
The primary responsibility of the IRB is to ensure that the risks of research are either outweighed or justified by the anticipated benefits. When approaching your IRB application, be sure to clearly state the potential benefits of the research. Moreover, anticipate, and list, any risks to participants and clearly describe how they will be mitigated.
Provide a Brief, but Meaningful, Rationale
The IRB requests one to two paragraphs, with citations, that support the importance of the research and its anticipated benefits. At the end of the rationale, clearly describe the aims of the research. The IRB needs to know your study aims so that they can evaluate whether the design is sufficient to meet those aims. One of the mottos that reviewers keep in mind during the review process is that “a study that is not sufficiently well-designed to meet its aims has only risks and no benefits”. This is because a study that cannot meet its aims will waste participants’ time which, while arguably minor, is in fact a research risk. Because the risk/benefit ratio would not be favorable, the study would not be approvable.
Provide a Detailed Description of Your Methodology
Please provide a detailed description of your study methodology from the first to the last contact with participants. Remember that informed consent begins when the participant is first introduced to the study, whether this is through an email, flier, social media post, or other means, and ends after the last study procedure has concluded. As such, you need to describe your recruitment methods; how, and by whom, informed consent will be obtained; where the study will take place; what the participant will be expected to do as part of their participation; and how/where the data will be stored. At each step, be clear about any risks (such as the potential for loss of confidentiality) and how those risks will be managed or mitigated. If you are requesting a waiver or alteration to the process of informed consent, a justification must be provided.
Include All Supporting Documents
The IRB will require you to submit final copies of all recruitment materials, stimuli, and measures. Moreover, the IRB requests that you submit the Consent Forms, Surveys, and/or Interview Questions, in the format in which they will be presented to participants. If data collection is occurring online, submit both a pdf copy of the survey and a link. For studies involving qualitative interviews or focus groups, submit the script you will use to introduce the interview followed by the questions you plan to ask (it is not necessary to include all follow-up prompts, however). Finally, if the interview is to be recorded you must make that clear to participants as soon as recording starts. Inform participants that you plan to document their acknowledgement to agree to be recorded, and that they have read the consent form, understand what is expected, and have had their questions answered. Finally, if the study involves more than minimal risk, the specific risks to participants should be reiterated on tape before the interview begins.
Make Sure Your Informed Consent Document/Information Sheet Includes All Required Information
This part of the application gets the most attention and often requires the most revisions. To ensure that you are including all required information, please refer to the Consent Form Template above. Be sure that the information in the consent document is consistent with the information presented in the application.
Respond to ALL Reviewer’s Comments and Make Revisions Clear to the Reviewer
If you are asked to revise your application, it is helpful to provide a written response
that summarizes what changes have been made. You MUST respond to every comment, regardless
of whether you agree or not. If you disagree with, or can’t make, a requested revision,
justify why you are not making the change. If your justification is sound, and the
procedure does not result in an unfavorable risk/benefit ratio for participants, the
reviewer may accept the justification. However, please note that the IRB reviewer
may not find the justification compelling or may require other revisions to ensure
that all potential risks are mitigated to the extent possible.
Please make your revisions apparent to the reviewer. The Kuali system will make the
revisions in the on-line forms visible to the reviewer, but it is important for you
to make the changes in the attachments apparent. This can be done by highlighting the changes, using track changes, or using a different colored font. Submitting attachments without doing this will elongate the review process.
Please note that this is not an exhaustive list but does cover the main concerns that prolong the review process. If you have questions, please feel to reach out to me or any other member of the IRB.
Introduction to Your IRB
Committee Membership and Work
Towson University’s IRB is comprised of 13 members, appointed by the Provost. In accordance with Federal regulations, the IRB contains at least one non-scientist and a community member. The IRB also seeks a gender, racial, and ethnically diverse Committee with varied expertise (e.g., qualitative researchers; child and adolescent researchers; etc.). The IRB includes representation from each of the Colleges, and this year four new members were named.
Participation on the IRB is a 12-month commitment, with members usually reviewing 1 or more exempt or expedited applications each week. Between July 5th and August 26th 2022, for example, the committee reviewed 51 applications including one full board application, 25 new, 8 renewals, and 16 amended protocols in addition to a number of revised resubmissions.
Mission of the Committee
While the IRB’s main responsibility is the protection of participants in Human Subjects
research, TU’s IRB also strives to educate and support the Human Subjects Research
Community. To that end, the Committee develops guidance based on the Federal Regulations.
For example, because the consent form is the document that receives the most revisions,
the IRB provided a consent form template for investigators to use that will ensure
their document contains all required language. Updated guidance, the consent form
template, and a comprehensive “PI” manual can all be found by following the Resources
& Guidance link on the IRB section of the OSPR website. In addition, I, the Vice Chairperson,
Bethany Willis-Hepp, Assistant Director for Research Compliance, Jenn Ippolito, as
well as any member of the Committee are available to come and speak to your colleges,
departments, classes, etc. about the IRB process and to answer questions. We are
also available for one-on-one consultation.
Some Future Plans
The IRB is charged with ensuring that research is being conducted in accordance with
the approved protocol. To that end, the IRB may contact Investigators to schedule
a time to review the forms being used and the study procedures to ensure that they
comply with the IRB approved protocol. In the future, I plan to offer columns on other
topics such as what the IRB is looking for in the Kuali protocol application; assessing
demographics to ensure inclusivity; etc. Please feel free to reach out to me directly
should you have a topic you would like to see addressed in a future article.
It is my sincere privilege to serve as your IRB chair and I look forward to working
with all of you to ensure that we continue to conduct high quality and ethically responsible
Guidance for In-Person Human Subjects Research
To minimize risk to human subjects, principal investigators are encouraged to conduct research remotely whenever possible. When conducting in-person research, principal investigators are expected to adhere to University, State, and Federal guidelines including relevant CDC guidance that are in place at the time the research is occurring.
Investigators should ensure that consent documents inform participants of COVID-19 Risks/Discomfort that may be associated with engaging in human subjects research. The language below would be a suitable statement:
PIs are expected to adhere to University guidelines for research conducted on campus and to adhere to site-specific requirements when conducting research at off-campus locations.
You may also visit the Office of the Provost or Covid Resources for information on the Return to Research phases.
The COVID-19: Back to Campus and COVID-19: Insights for Higher Ed Leaders CITI Training courses are still available if you would like additional training for managing the risks associated with COVID-19 as we return to campus. Log in with your TU NetID and password.
Guidance for Conducting Online Research
To ensure that data collection remains anonymous for anonymous studies, be sure to set up the survey so that it does not collect IP addresses. In addition, please add the following required language into the confidentiality section of the consent form (and fill in the appropriate information where indicated):
The data are being collected via the online platform <specify>. To address any concerns you may have about the confidentiality of data collected in this manner, please see <specify the company’s> Data Privacy Policy at <include the URL here>. You should specifically look at the section entitled, <direct participants to the relevant section of the data privacy policy>. Please note that although we, the researchers, will not be collecting information that could identify you, only you can fully guarantee the security of the data you provide. You are encouraged to take the survey in a private location where others are unable to see your responses.
If you have an IRB approved study that you want to move online for data collection, please see additional guidance from the IRB.
Aerobic Testing Guidance
- Exercise Testing Checklist (PDF)
- Aerobic Testing Consent Language (PDF)
- PARQ 2019 Fitness Assessments (PDF)
DXA Guidance
In 2017, the IRB approved Dual energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) as a procedure and determined that protocols do not automatically require full board review. However, depending upon the specifics of the study, full board review may be required. Recently the committee reviewed and approved the following DXA consent forms. Note that investigators must first secure approval for the procedure from the DXA Committee before submitting to the IRB. Contact the Kinesiology Department for more information.
Participant Incentives Processes & Documents
- If your study is funded by an external grant or by an OSPR-managed internal grant, please see Grant Management Policies for processing payments. Contact the OSPR for additional questions regarding participant incentive payments.
- If your study is being funded by any other source, please contact Accounts Payable for assistance with participant incentive payments.