Research is a core value of TU. From academic colleges and individual faculty members
to student organizations, there are many resources here to support undergraduate researchers.
Faculty members are an excellent resource for undergraduate researchers at Towson
Research Resources at TU
Each TU academic college, as well as the Honors College, supports undergraduate research
in ways that incorporate the curriculum and programs offered within each college.
Undergraduate Research Club - The purpose of the URC is to provide an interdisciplinary forum to discuss undergraduate
research resources at Towson University in all majors by providing information on
grants, conferences, publishing opportunities, professor partnerships and peer-to-peer
support. The Undergraduate Research Club aims to provide students with an opportunity
to grow their research experience and develop creative inquiry from freshmen to senior
year and beyond.
National Organizations
National organizations that support undergraduate research provide excellent opportunities
to network with faculty and students from other institutions, as well as to present
and publish research
The Colonial Academic Alliance was founded in 2002 by the provosts of the universities participating in the Coastal
Athletic Association. The main mission of the CAA is to help students succeed by promoting
intercollegiate connections in support of undergraduate research and innovative teaching
leadership development. The CAA sponsors an annual research conference, inviting faculty
from participating institutions to bring students to showcase their work in posters
and oral presentations. Workshops are also offered. Towson University financially supports student participation in this event.
Council on Undergraduate Researchis dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity
in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. This gathering
of young scholars welcomes presenters from all institutions of higher learning and
from all corners of the academic curriculum.
Conference Opportunities
Attending a conference to present your research or project is an exciting and worthwhile
opportunity. TU students regularly attend professional conferences within their academic
disciplines and conferences held on-campus or by organizations that support undergraduate
Scholars Transforming Through Research ( STR) The STR Program serves as a advocacy professional development opportunity for undergraduate
students and faculty/mentors interested in garnering communication and advocacy skills
to leverage the impact of their undergraduate research experience by conveying their
story to stakeholder groups such as funding agencies, association partners, elected
officials, future employers, community, and beyond.
National Collegiate Honors Council: Annual conference usually held in early November, with applications due in early
spring. Contact the Honors College for more information about how to participate.
Northeast Regional Honors Council: Annual conference usually held in early April, with applications due in December.
Contact the Honors College for more information about how to participate.
Research Journals
American Journal of Undergraduate Researchis a national, independent, peer-reviewed, open-source, quarterly, multidisciplinary
student research journal, established in 2002. It is devoted to making its authors’
publications distinctive. It achieves this not only by the excellence of the content,
but also by being student- and public-friendly, and searchable by professionals.
Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly includes articles from across CUR's organizational disciplines in the natural and
social sciences, mathematics, and engineering. Each journal includes a focus topic,
such as Minority Participation in Undergraduate Research, Creating Time for Research,
Community Research, Students with Special Needs, Building a Summer Research Community,
and Academic Excellence. Indexed online with selected full text articles. Quarterly.