Each spring and fall, more than 400 senior-level business and accounting students
develop proposals and solutions for challenges posed by real companies in the innovative,
award-winning Live Strategy Case Competition.
Value, Impact & Benefits
By working collaboratively with our students and Towson University community members,
partner companies benefit from:
Useful, consultative proposals to address real questions and challenges they face, Strengthened relationship with Towson University, the fastest-growing state university
Recruiting opportunities, and
Positioning as an enthusiastic supporter of local students and applied education (Good
Our VP of marketing took back a whole book full of notes along with the presentations.
We definitely gained value out of participating in this competition as an organization.
How It Works
The partner company works with faculty members to write a case regarding a current
strategic challenge the business is experiencing. The case is presented to students
mid-term. Any relevant or necessary data and information is housed on a secure online
classroom platform called Blackboard.
Towards the end of the semester, student teams present their findings in their respective
course sections. The top teams from each course section go on to compete at the college-wide
finale where they present to executives from the partner company who chose the ultimate
top three teams.
Expectations for Partner Companies
Work with faculty members three to five months prior to the start of the fall semester
(Aug. 27) to build a one-to-two-page case regarding a current strategic challenge
the business is experiencing
Based on the agreed to case, the partnering organization is expected to make reasonable
organizational data (like what would be found in an annual report) available to students
as part of background research and analysis
1-5 company reps attend the town hall session to answer students' questions (1-2 hours).
This session will be video recorded and available for students for research purposes
via a secure classroom portal
4-6 company reps (some preferably from director level and above) to serve as judges
at the competition finale (4-5 hours) to evaluate each team’s presentations, provide
feedback, determine and announce the first, second and third place teams
The judging rubric may include: quality of the formulated action plans; analyses of
strengths and weaknesses; quality of data analyses; quality of proposed solutions
to identified problems, etc.
What can partner companies expect?
Quality, polished presentations and proposals with solutions to the case challenge
Complimentary parking for all company guests when visiting campus for competition-related
events and meetings
Breakfast and lunch for finale judges
Publicity of the company’s involvement through TU and CBE media channels including
the website, social media, magazine and more
Case Requirements
Cases should have a broad strategic focus and raise issues that span across multiple
functional areas of the organization (such as, operations, finance, logistics/supply
chain, marketing, etc.) in order to meet the student learning objectives.