Student Nurses’ Association
The Towson University Student Nurses' Association (TUSNA) is a pre-professional association for nursing students affiliated with the Student Government Association.
The goal of the TUSNA is to facilitate unity, leadership, and active participation within the student body. To facilitate this goal members serve on faculty organization committees, organize community service endeavors, networking opportunities, and promote professional growth through educational experiences and affiliations with the Maryland Association of Nursing Students (MANS).
In accord with the National Student Nurses' Association’s mission and the mission of the Towson University (TU) the mission of the Towson University
Student Nursing Association is to:
• Organize, represent, and mentor Towson University students preparing for initial
licensure as registered nurses, as well as those enrolled in Towson University's Degree
Completion Option
• Promote development of the skills that students will need as responsible and
accountable members of the nursing profession outlined in the Code of Academic and
Clinical Conduct
• Advocate for high quality health care in a multicultural society
The structure allows for attainment of the aforementioned mission and goal and provides for class representation and overall membership involvement. All nursing students are eligible to become members of TUSNA.
Why should I Become a Member?
When you join the NSNA, you'll enjoy some of the following benefits.
1. You'll have opportunities to meet and exchange ideas with fellow nursing students.
2. It will increase your awareness of past and current issues in nursing.
3. It prepares you for the reality of the nursing profession.
4. You'll learn about many different nursing roles.
5. You'll have opportunities to interact with many other nursing professionals.
6. You'll have opportunities for teamwork through community projects, fundraising,
and other activities.