At Towson University, you will study the languages, literatures, and cultures of a
range of people and communities while developing your oracy, literacy, signacy, and
interpersonal/intrapersonal communication skills.
The Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures believes in the power of languages.
We believe that language learning promotes the understanding, appreciation, and inclusion
of diversity, and that language has the power to bridge cultural differences, resolve
conflicts, and lead to reconciliation.
Our curriculum prepares you for the linguistic and cultural acquisition that will
serve you well throughout your life — from career-related language and cultural skills
to preparing for teaching or graduate study to linguistic enrichment. In-person courses,
study abroad immersion, practicums, internships, and independent study opportunities
reinforce the acquisition of new knowledge and civic engagement preparing you for
the development of critical analysis, problem-solving, teamwork, and effective communication
and cultural competence necessary in the 21st century workplace.
Our goal is to foster inclusive and equitable working, teaching, and learning environments
that value students, staff, and faculty from any background, culture, orientation,
and ability. In the department and in the classroom, we actively promote and protect
respectful and inclusive dialogue, and support equitable access to resources for all.
We are committed to offering courses and extracurricular activities that explore critical
issues of difference, intersectionality, and identity. We seek to include and advocate
for underrepresented and undervalued languages and cultures.
Placement test
Planning to enroll in a language class?
The department offers placement testing for students planning to enroll in a language course who do not already have college
credit for the language.

Considering Study Abroad and Away?
Learn about study abroad at an information session. Stop by the Study Abroad & Away Office Mon.–Fri., from 2–2:30 p.m., in the Psychology
Building, room 408.
Learn More about Info Sessions