COFAC CoLab Grant Application


The COFAC CoLab is an incubator for ideas, projects and collaboration. Established in the fall of 2017, the Lab is a home for Interdisciplinary work. The aim is to build a hub, where ideas can be cross-fertilized and put into motion. It is a nucleus, a pivot point and a catapult over disciplinary and cultural borders. Designed as a space where fields of study are porous and contemporary cultures are created, the objective is to build new knowledge for an ever-evolving world.

“Adaptive Artistry: The Convergence of Human Creativity & Technology”

From 2024 – 27, COFAC CoLab is looking to highlight current and foster new interdisciplinary work related to Adaptive Artistry. We want to know about your projects! This includes inquiry that addresses the theme but is local to your discipline. Please email BOTH Co-Directors, Luis Engelke () and Marc May (), about your research. For academic year 2024 – 25, a limited number of funding awards are available. For funding requests, please complete the application below.


To provide COFAC faculty, staff, and departments the opportunity to create and lead significant projects, events, exhibits, screenings, lectures, debates, and other related initiatives related to the theme “Adaptive Artistry: The Convergence of Human Creativity & Technology.”

Parameters of Project

See the main COFAC CoLab page for a complete description of the theme, as well as subthemes for Years 1, 2, and 3. Individual projects should support CoLab’s theme and subthemes.


To lead projects, coordinate logistics, manage budget, and promote activity. This application can be submitted along with other funding sources. In addition to funding, additional visibility within COFAC and beyond with CoLab’s assistance is expected.

Submission Criteria

Requests will be considered for funding when they exhibit the following combination of factors:

  1. A complete application form (with department chairperson’s approval)
  2. A clearly described project (including purpose, goal(s), outcomes, audience collaborators, reach)
  3. A specific timeline
  4. A clear budget (including how much funding is requested from CoLab)

While the primary purpose of these grants is to foster interdisciplinary work within the college, singular disciplines that address the theme of “adaptive artistry” are also eligible.


CoLab will support the budget and other resources for each project. The budget and resources will be based on the project's mission and goals and on available funds. Grants are expected to be $250 – 500; however, requests beyond this level of funding will also be considered.

Application Process

The initial call for applications will be October 4, 2024 for funding during AY 24-25. Anyone with forward looking projects for AY 25-26 or 26-27 may also submit an application. Plans and methods to nurture projects are currently in progress, and advance notice would be helpful.

Part I

*You must receive approval from the department chairperson before submitting the application.

Part II (300-500 word max)
In terms of synthesis with our CoLab theme, clearly describe the project’s:
  • Purpose
  • Goal(s)
  • Outcomes
  • Audience (who is the intended audience; estimate how many will be involved)
  • Collaborators (who is involved; internal and/or external partners)
  • Reach (how does the project extend to and integrate the involvement of additional COFAC departments/programs and/or other colleges and/or external organizations and/or regional community)

Part III

Selection Process

Requests will be reviewed by the CoLab Directors in consultation with the Dean’s Office. Awards must be used in the designated academic year; they will not roll over.

COFAC Budget Specialist

Award monies will be coordinated by the .

  • If your event/activity is scheduled through the Box Office, notify the CBS
  • No more than two budget transfers per award
  • Payment on a budget transfer must be supported by documentation (e.g. – invoice)
  • If uncertain, contact the


At the conclusion of the project, funding recipients should submit a written report of about 300-500 words to the CoLab Co-Directors regarding the project's impact. This report will be posted and archived on the COFAC blog.

Please email BOTH Co-Directors Luis Engelke () and Marc May () with any questions.