Admission Screening
Digital Art + Design is a screened concentration. The prerequisites and procedures for screening are listed below. Please contact Phil Davis, the Digital Art + Design area coordinator, with any questions via e-mail at

Screening is held at the end of the fall and spring semesters and is open to qualifying students enrolled at TU or have been fully admitted and enrolled as transfer students. To qualify, student must have:
- An overall GPA of 2.67 or the equivalent from another institution.
- Completed the following courses, or transferred the equivalent from another institution by the end of the term in which the student applies to the Digital Art + Design concentration: ART 101, ART 103, ART 104, ART 211, ART 212, ARTH 221, ARTH 222. Students must complete these courses, or equivalent transferred courses before taking further courses in the concentration.
- Declared art majors may apply to the Digital Art + Design concentration at the end of the semester they qualify, usually at the end of their second semester freshman year. At the time of application, a minimum of 21 Art and Art History units should have been completed, including courses from that term. Students who have earned an A.A. degree in a related major may apply before enrollment or at the end of their first semester at Towson.
- To be considered in the screening process, students must submit the following in a re-sealable envelope by the last day of finals in a given term: an official transcript, a Digital Art + Design Concentration Screening Form and digital portfolio. The digital portfolio must be submitted on a USB thumb drive only with image files and/or PDF format. The portfolio must include eight works that they believe best represents their level of achievement. Students may also include video or animation work as .mov, .mp4, or .avi files (maximum running time of 5 minutes). Works can be from classes at TU or otherwise.
- Students with an overall GPA of 3.5 or greater in their major (Art and Art History courses), having also completed the required courses, and having accumulated a minimum of 21 units, are accepted on confirmation of their GPA and do not need to submit portfolios with their completed application.
- Students not accepted may reapply one more time.