Name |
Contact |
Division Leader and Lecturer Voice |
lhultgren@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 2098 |
Phillip Collister |
pcollister@towson.edu |
Leneida Crawford
Professor |
lecrawford@towson.edu |
Min Jin |
mjin@towson.edu |
Diana Sáez |
dsaez@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 2099 |
Lecturer Voice |
jwidney@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 2107 |
Carolyn Black-Sotir |
cblacksotir@towson.edu |
Adjunct Faculty Voice |
nconte@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 3095 |
Stephen Holmes |
saholmes@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 3095 |
Adjunct Faculty Voice |
linger@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 4063 |
Accompanist Music for the Stage |
mamato@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 3095 |
Esther Lee Accompanist
elee@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 3095 |
Accompanist Music for the Stage |
kyoo@towson.edu Center for the Arts, Room # 3095 |