Center for Student Diversity
The Center for Student Diversity (CSD) was established to aid the university in its efforts to foster inclusion, collaboration and relationship building. We provide academic, social and transition support for underserved students and promote exchanges and dialogue between individuals of diverse backgrounds and identities.
Like never before, success—locally, nationally, and globally—is related to an individuals ability to lead, incorporate technology, and negotiate differences. It is becoming increasingly difficult to remain in isolated enclaves with people who are like us.
TU, therefore, is engaged in increasing the diversity among its students, faculty and staff; addressing the needs and concerns of its varied populations; and promoting multicultural learning for all students.
As part of the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity, we collaborate to support the access and academic success of historically under-represented groups through programs and services that enhance the student experience.
We provide the following:
- Support for multicultural student organizations
- Financial assistance to under-represented undergraduate and graduate students
- Diversity awareness in and out of class seminars, workshops, and presentations
- A weekend Diversity Retreat
- Nationally celebrated heritage programs
- Diversity educational and resource materials
- Advocacy, consultation, and referrals
- Leadership, mentorship, and peer education programs
- Provide educational outreach to build awareness, appreciation, and allyship of diverse student populations and communities
- Assist the university in the outreach, recruitment, and retention efforts for students of color and other under-represented populations
- Assist the institution in the creation of policies and procedures that address the interests and concerns of under-represented students
Our staff members hope you will take advantage of the many programs and services offered. If you recognize a need we have missed, tell us about it. If you want to work with us to help eradicate bias, discrimination, and intolerance and promote cross-cultural awareness, dialogue, interaction, leadership and coalition building, please contact us. We maintain a warm, welcoming space. Stop by and see us any time. All are invited to participate in our activities!
TU Diversity profile
See data about TU's diverse student population using the student enrollment data provided by the Office of Institutional Research.
TU Events
Contact Information
Center of Student Diversity
Suite 343 (Map)
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.