Are you in crisis?
Reach out for help by contacting the police at 410-704-4444 or 911, and alternatively an advocate at 443-279-0379.
TU is committed to ending sexual violence on our campus and creating a community that supports victims and survivors. It takes every single Tiger to make that happen. Learn how you can help end sexual violence.
We are each responsible to complete Title IX training programs. The online training is available and offered to all TU students. For employees the Office of Human Resources has more information. This program offers several self-paced safety courses which can be accessed 24/7 and comes with a printable certificate of successful completion.
Sexual violence is an umbrella term that includes:
The university's Policy on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct (06.01.60) applies to all students, faculty, and staff regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity. It prohibits all forms of sexual misconduct and sexual violence. Retaliation against any individual who reports, testifies, assists, or participates in a sexual misconduct investigation, hearing, or proceeding, is prohibited. Retaliation includes retaliatory harassment, intimidation, threats and coercion.
Consent is voluntary, affirmative, and active agreement to a sexual activity. Sexual activity WITHOUT consent is sexual violence. Consent is:
Active: Consent must be mutually understood affirmative words or actions, it can NOT be implied through silence or previous sexual or dating history.
Coherent: If someone is incapacitated from alcohol or drugs, asleep, or otherwise mentally impaired, they are not able to consent to sexual activity.
Willing: Consent must be given freely, it can NOT be granted under psychological, emotional, or physical force, manipulation, persuasion, or threats.
Ongoing: Voluntary and affirmative agreement is necessary for every sexual activity, every time. Past consent does not apply to present or future acts, and consent can be withdrawn at any time.
Want to learn more? Request a training or explore the related links.
All members of the campus community can take action to safely and effectively prevent sexual and relationship violence. These are four intervention strategies for being an active bystander to prevent sexual violence: