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During the academic year, public shows are held the evening of the first and third Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m. and are provided free of charge.
Each semester, we offer four shows with different focuses — from exploring Mars to the unique stories of stars. Every show, while individual, will leave you with a greater understanding of the Universe that surrounds us.
Each show at the planetarium has a specific theme associated with it. While the themes often differ, the following are examples of shows in the past similar to what we try to offer each semester.
Ever wondered what it would take for astronauts to travel to the Moon, Mars and beyond? What challenges would astronauts face? Mars: The Ultimate Voyage explores these questions and more. Observe Mars and Jupiter through our roof-top telescope following the show (weather permitting).
This stunning, 30-minute voyage through time and space conveys, through an arresting combination of sights and sounds, the universe revealed to us by science.
A collection of short films on constellations, star lore and science from various cultures, each with its own unique artistic style.