Frequently Asked Questions

A visit to the SciTech Student Learning Lab is always an exciting adventure for you and your students. Below you will find answers to some frequently asked questions.

Students in the SciTech Learning Lab.

Where is the SciTech Learning Lab located?

SciTech is located in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore at The Rita Rossi Colwell Center 701 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. Buses may drop students off in front of the building. There is no free parking available. There are various public parking garages in the area.

What is the cost of the program?

The cost is $12/student. Teachers and chaperones are free. Payments are processed through Towson University’s invoicing system. We do not accept payments at our location. An invoice will be mailed to you separately by Towson University. For acceptable forms of payment, please view information on Towson University’s Student & University Billing Office website.

What is the minimum and maximum number of students allowed?

SciTech is currently accepting classes of up to 32 students.  We prefer a minimum of at least 10 students.  

How do I know what the best activity is for my students?

Check out our lab activities designed for grade levels: elementary, middle and high school. All of our activities are aligned with the Maryland State Curriculum and/or supports the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). You may also contact one of the SciTech instructors to discuss your options at 410-385-6323 or .

How do I make a reservation for my class?

To book a field trip complete the online SciTech Visit Request Form. We will do our best to accommodate your first choice of dates.

When will I hear back after submitting my request form?

The SciTech staff will get back to you within 5 business days after receiving your request. If you have not heard from us, please email or call one of our instructors at 410-385-6323.

What happens after I submit my SciTech Request Form?

After your request has been submitted, a SciTech instructor may contact you with any questions regarding dates for your field trip or special accommodations. An accounts payable info request will be emailed to you once a date for your field trip has been agreed upon. All paperwork must be signed and returned to us with any changes no later than two weeks before the date of your visit. If we do not receive your paperwork by the given deadline, your field trip will be canceled.

Is there a permission slip required for each student?

Yes. Every student participating in a lab activity must have a signed permission slip. Teachers will submit signed permission slips for each student to the SciTech instructor on the day of the field trip. Students without a signed permission slip will not be allowed to participate in the activities. The permission slip is available in English (PDF) and Spanish (PDF).