
Apply for the Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) program.

Following the deadline there will be rolling consideration dependent on available funding remaining for the year. Contact Vonnie Shields, TU LSAMP Director, at or . Denise McGill, TU LSAMP Coordinator, at

Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation Application

Academic Information

Applicant Interests

Here is your opportunity to tell us a little about yourself.

Research Information

If you require support in finding a research mentor, you must meet with the LSAMP Assistant Director two weeks prior to the application deadline. E-mail to set-up a time to meet to discuss.

Include your project goals and how the research experience will benefit you and your academic career (500 word limit; to be prepared in collaboration with faculty researcher).* Discuss the relative importance of the proposed research within its discipline* State the specific tasks to be accomplished during the program* Define the scope and goals of the proposed research

If you select no, you can submit your application. Any edits to your application can be sent to prior to the application deadline.