TU Research Enhancement Program

The TU Research Enhancement Program (TU REP) offers you the opportunity to engage in authentic research starting early in your academic career and continuing throughout your time at Towson University.

Students presenting at poster session
Research Symposium in the Science Complex


The Towson University Research Enhancement Program (TU REP) was created to increase the number of research opportunities undergraduates have in the Fisher College of Science and Mathematics (FCSM). The two major components of TU REP are the creation and support of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) classes and the funding of additional research opportunities for undergraduate Biology majors in MD HIRES (Medium-Duration, High-Impact Research Experiences).

With five years of funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s Inclusive Excellence  program beginning in 2017, TU REP supported the development or modification of 25 CUREs across FCSM. CUREs engage students in the process of research across an entire semester earning academic credit and often completing graduation requirements. CUREs have been shown to increase student engagement and retention in their major and future STEM career. Since funding ended, CURE development is being supported by TU’s Faculty Academic Center for Excellence at Towson and Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry.

Beginning in Spring 2025, additional research opportunities for undergraduates in Biology are being funded with support from a grant from the National Science Foundation by creating MD HIRES. MD HIRES Faculty will complete professional development to learn how to be more effective and inclusive mentors of undergraduates. The grant will support faculty, Mentoring Research Assistants (upper-level undergraduates who have research support and will serve as peer mentors), and novice undergraduate research students who have taken one CURE.

Are you a student interested in taking a CURE? See the list of CUREs or speak with your academic advisor.


Are you a student who has already taken a CURE and are interested in being an Undergraduate Learning or Mentoring Research Assistant?

Contact Dr. Gough, TU Rep Director

Are you a faculty member interested in developing a CURE?

Contact Dr. Hemm, FACET CURE Fellow