Current Academic Year Grant Recipients
The following students were awarded undergraduate student research grants from the Fisher College.
Undergraduate Research Grants in 2024 – 2025
“Structure-Activity Relationships of Methyl Benzoate Analogs as Repellents Against
Spotted-wing Drosophila”
Student: Rasha Alzyoud
Mentor: Dr. Vonnie Shields (Biological Sciences)
“Image Data Poisoning Attacks on Machine Learning Models”
Student: Manyaka Anjorin
Mentor: Dr. Akshita Maradapu Vera Venkata Sai (Computer & Information Sciences)
“Substituted Amide Semi-Reduction ”
Student: Jennifer Buckshaw
Mentor: Dr. Keith Reber (Chemistry)
“Optical Band Gap Variance of STO Induced by Oxygen Reduction”
Student: Zachary J. Dietz
Mentors: Dr. Rajeswari Kolagani & Dr. Jeffrey Simpson (Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences)
“Manipulating TLR4 Surface Expression to Investigate its Influence on UV-Induced Cell”
Student: Shae Downes
Mentor: Dr. Erin Harberts (Biological Sciences)
“Extraction of Organic Components from Smokeless Gunpowder”
Student: Malia Foreman
Mentor: Dr. Ellen Hondrogiannis (Chemistry)
“Magnetic, Optical, and Electronic Transport Properties of the FeCuB Compounds”
Student: Lukas Hamann
Mentor: Dr. Vera Smolyaninova (Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences)
“Determination of Iron and Copper Content in Fe-Cu-B Compositional Spread”
Student: Tyler Hannesson
Mentor: Dr. Vera Smolyaninova (Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences)
“The Impact of Microplastic Exposure on Plant Development ”
Student: Rebecca Harasymczuk
Mentor: Dr. Iskander Ibrahim (Biological Sciences)
“Analyzing Students Graph Reasoning, Construction, and Selection”
Student: Chase Frater
Student: Audrey Gianelle
Student: Aidan Powell
Mentor: Dr. Kristin Frank (Mathematics)
“Exploring the Effect of TcpC NADase Activity on Planarian Clearance of E.coli”
Student: Amina Daniels
Mentor: Dr. Michelle Snyder (Biological Sciences)
“Applying Newly Designed Genetic Markers to Analyze the Population Connectivity of
a Disperal-limited Coastal Species”
Student: Abi Millholland
Mentor: Dr. Wilbur Ryan (Biological Sciences)
“Extraction and Characterization of Organic Gunshot Residue from Gunpowders.”
Student: Efosa Owie
Mentor: Dr. Mary Sajini Devadas (Chemistry)
“Investigating Maternal Transfer of Microbiota Through Eggshells in Northern Map Turtles
(Graptemys geographica)”
Student: Attia Robinson
Mentor: Dr. Steven Kimble (Biological Sciences)
“Effects of TirC in Dictyostelium edited by CRISPR-Cas9”
Student: Daniel Sackey
Mentor: Dr. Michelle Snyder (Biological Sciences)
“Polarization Reflectometry for Determination of Optical Anisotropy of TiN/AIN Metamaterial
Student: Thomas Snarski
Mentor: Dr. Vera Smolyaninova (Physics, Astronomy & Geosciences)
“Assessing Oviposition Deterrence of Spotted-wing Drosophila by Voltile Organic Compounds”
Student: Juan Marquez Vargas
Mentor: Dr. Vonnie Shields (Biological Sciences)
“Exploring gp94's Role in Lytic Growth of Phage Alexphander”
Student: James-Antoni Wilson
Mentor: Dr. Stephen Hancock (Chemistry)
“Capacitance of Electroactive Gold Cluster”
Student: Jakob Winterle
Mentor: Dr. Mary Sajini Devadas (Chemistry)