Honors College Leadership Council

The Honors College Leadership Council (HCLC) is a student-led organization that promotes and fosters community, develops programs and events that enhance the Honors College student experience and advises Honors College administration on student matters. You'll have meaningful opportunities to:

  • Strengthen leadership skills and abilities
  • Enhance your academic experience
  • Engage in the central tenets of honors education—service-learning and civic engagement and experiential education.

“ I love HCLC. The Honors College Leadership Council gives opportunities to residents and commuters to be involve in the Honors Community. It can range from event planning to advertising and marketing to community service. ”

Jason Wong '20, Biology, Exercise Science, and Theatre Arts triple major

What are the benefits of joining HCLC?

Joining HCLC will provide you with greater access to leadership opportunities early in your undergraduate career. HCLC is an organization that provides the freedom to take initiative in shaping your honors experience and creating opportunities needed to foster success.

What kinds of activities does HCLC plan?

HCLC members determine the events and programs that they want to plan each academic year. In doing this, several Honors College traditions have been established. Recent activities include:

  • Annual Honors College Semi-Formal Dance
  • Volunteering at a 5K run for Athletes Serving Athletes
  • Planning an art show that featured the work of honors students
  • Establishing The Book Exchange, a lending library in Douglass House

How do I get involved in HCLC?

Each academic year students join HCLC committees to accomplish the goals of the organization. These committee are formed around service, programming and events, and marketing. You can be a part of as many committees as you would like and you can also volunteer to lead a project or event. Honors College students are encouraged to get involved in the activities and projects of HCLC throughout the academic year.  HCLC meetings are held every other Monday at 7 p.m. in the Douglass House Multi-Purpose Room.