Market Assessment & Pay Study

In an effort to ensure equitable and competitive pay for TU employees, the Compensation team analyzes faculty and staff pay on a semi-annual basis.

Market Assessments

Market data for every exempt regular and contingent position is evaluated at TU. Each position is benchmarked based on several factors, including duties and responsibilities, organizational level, scope of work, skills, education, and experience requirements. The position’s pay is assessed against over 65 National and Mid-Atlantic Market Peers selected as comparable institutions in terms of location, size, and Carnegie classifications. Pay rates not within at least 80% of the market median are reevaluated. Positions are also flagged for evaluation if they’ve had significant changes in responsibility or are impacted by inversion or compression (i.e., new employees making more than the same or close to employees in a similar role with more experience). 
In addition to individual assessments, overall pay structures are also analyzed to identify market shifts that necessitate increases in the structure’s pay scale. Employees with rates lower than the new range are flagged for evaluation and potential adjustment when pay structures increase. How will they learn if their pay is increased?  OHR informs each employee via email of increases to their pay. 
Market assessment analyses are aimed at identifying necessary pay increases. Pay rates are not reduced based on these efforts.  

Individual Pay Evaluations 

When assessments discover a pay rate of 80% or less than the market median or discover inversion or compression, that pay rate is flagged for review by campus leadership. Classification & Compensation staff work with the position’s supervisor and divisional vice president to evaluate the position. If deemed necessary, following evaluation, the pay is adjusted accordingly. Supervisors will inform the faculty or staff member of the upcoming pay increase. Depending on the availability of departmental funding, the growth may occur in the current or next fiscal year.  

Equity for Diverse Groups

In addition to ensuring equitable pay across positions, TU uses market assessments to ensure that individuals with similar positions, qualifications, and years of service are paid equitably regardless of race, gender, age, or other demographics. OHR conducts a bi-annual data/salary analysis incorporating employee demographics into equity considerations. 

How does HR support Supervisors and Department Chairs?

OHR is happy to meet with supervisors and department Chairs to discuss equitable pay within their designated areas.  After meeting with OHR to discuss a course of action, supervisors and Chairs should meet with their leadership team to discuss submission of a Position Review request.

Project Background

Our current pay equity practices were created during a multiyear market assessment and pay study with nationally recognized consulting firm Segal. Informed by industry-wide best practices and guided by HR leaders and faculty and staff advisory groups, TU developed a standard approach to benchmarking jobs, identified market peers, located reputable sources of pay survey data for comparisons, and began analyzing pay data to identify and correct issues of external competitiveness and internal equity. That analysis continues today through twice-yearly market assessments and regular advisory group reviews to update market peer groups and pay data sources.  

Timeline and Updates

TU and Segal began the Market Assessment and Pay Study in December 2019, and Segal completed its recommendations in December 2020. The Study is ongoing; please see the Timeline and Updates page for more information.