Timeline & Updates

MAPS Timeline

Below is the complete timeline of the MAPS (Market Assessment & Pay Study) project at Towson University. This timeline outlines key milestones, phases, and deliverables to ensure transparency and consistent communication from OHR.

Project Timeline and Updates

  • Over the spring semester, TU OHR team will utilize updated market data to confirm Mid-Atlantic and National peer groups and update market pay and placement for TU faculty and staff.  This information will be shared with VPs, AVPs, and Deans during the ongoing equity review.
  • National and Mid-Atlantic peer groups are updated based on survey participation.
  • Phase II of the pay study ended.  Approximately 200 faculty and staff members received adjustments due to significant issues of salary inversion, compression, those paid below a competitive range, or disparity across protected groups.
  • Phase III of the pay study began by examining issues identified in Phase II and areas of inequity caused by significant changes in job duties.
  • The USM non-exempt staff pay structure is updated to reflect a market movement of 3.5%; employees who earn less than the minimum under the new structure receive an increase.
  • The TU exempt pay structure has been updated to reflect the market movement of 4.7%; employees paid under the minimum of their TU pay range have been identified for review in Phase III.
  • Over the spring semester, TU HR utilized updated market data to confirm Mid-Atlantic and National peer groups and update market pay and placement for TU faculty and staff.  This information was shared with VPs, AVPs, and Deans during the ongoing equity review.
  • National and Mid-Atlantic peer groups were updated based on survey participation.
  • Market Assessment and Pay Study analysis expanded to include all non-exempt staff employees and Lecturers.
  • VPs, AVPs, and Deans receive updated employee market data for equity review.  Equity review is prioritized by those paid outside of a competitive range and those impacted by salary inversion and/or compression.  In addition, market data and matching is reviewed with consideration to demographic information to ensure equity across race, gender, age, and other protected groups. 
  • All faculty and staff have been matched to market pay data, which was updated to reflect 2022 cost-of-living adjustments and merit increases.
  • Phase II findings have been updated with the average % to-market rate in 2022.  
  • Phase II findings are updated with the average % to-market rate for faculty by college (PDF)
  • Phase II findings are updated with the average % to-market rate for faculty by rank (PDF)
  • TU HR received updated external market data and began the process of 100% matching all faculty and staff positions to the market.
  • National and Mid-Atlantic peer groups are updated based on survey participation. 
  • TU HR began meetings with college/divisional leadership based on 2021 pay data. During this process, leadership reviewed every faculty and exempt staff position regarding market standing, time in position, and salary in comparison to others with similar roles, experience, and skills.
  • Leadership begins to identify and correct areas of egregious inequity (primarily around salary inversion and compression).
  • Eligible employees receive merit and COLA increases (see history of USM pay increases pre-2022). 
  • The TU pay structure was released, and all exempt employees were notified of their TU pay range and USM pay range and that Phase II would begin in January 2022.
  • TU leadership was informed of the completion of Phase I, which included:
    • Bringing all faculty and staff to a competitive rate.
    • Creating a TU pay structure and informing all exempt staff of their pay range.
    • Implementing Phase II in January 2022 to bring select faculty and staff to appropriate places in competitive range.
  • July: As part of Phase I, select pay adjustments were processed to bring all faculty and staff to a competitive pay rate.
  • June: Salary Assessment Update presented during Staff Senate on June 30. View the Salary Assessment Update (VIDEO) (login).

December 2020

  • Segal and senior leaders presented to the Faculty and Staff Advisory Groups and the Executive Committees of the Academic and Staff Senates.
  • Pre-read materials sent in advance of Senate meetings based on input and feedback from Faculty and Staff Advisory groups and the Executive Committee members of the senators who reviewed the presentation. View the Faculty Pre-Read materials (PDF) (login) and Staff Pre-Read materials(PDF) (login)
  • Segal and senior leaders presented to the Academic Senate on December 1 with an updated presentation based on Advisory Group input. View the Academic Senate Presentation (PDF) (login).
  • Segal and senior leaders presented an updated presentation to the theatre on December 9 based on Advisory Group input. View the Staff Senate Presentation (PDF) (login).

November 2020

  • Senior leadership continued reviewing the final report and working with Segal on questions for clarification and additional information and on developing the next steps as part of an implementation plan.

October 2020

  • TU Project Team collaborates with Segal on finalizing pay guidelines.
  • Recommended exempt staff pay structure finalized.
  • Segal provided drafts of final reports and recommendations for presentation to senior leadership and draft presentations for advisory groups and senators.
  • Segal met with the TU President and Provost on 10/19/20 to share the final report and recommendations.
  • The presentation to faculty and staff advisory groups and academic and staff senate sessions was postponed until December.

September 2020

  • The TU Project Team reviews the draft model and collaborates with Segal on its revisions and further development of a market-based exempt staff pay structure.
  • TU Project Team completes review of non-benchmark jobs for additional market matching or slotting to complete exempt staff market pricing.
  • Segal drafts recommended guidelines for faculty and staff pay programs.

August 2020

  • Segal drafted a comprehensive model that included market results and options for a market-based exempt staff pay structure for TU Project Team review and consideration.

July 2020

  • Segal and the TU Project team finalized market matching files for exempt staff and shared them with leaders of each college/division.
  • Segal and the TU Project team met with leaders to validate the market matches and solicit feedback on market competitiveness and any non-benchmark jobs.

June 2020

  • Segal presented to the Academic Senate on June 1 with an updated presentation based on Advisory Group input. View the Academic Senate Presentation (PDF) (login).
  • Segal presented to Staff Advisory Group and Staff Senate on June 16 and 17. View the Pay Study Update Presentation (PDF) (login).
  • Segal orients divisional leaders to staff market pricing file in preparation for review and feedback meetings.
  • Engagement with Segal extended into Fall 2020.

May 2020

  • Met with the President and Provost to review preliminary faculty results.
  • Met with Deans to review preliminary faculty results for the respective schools.
  • Segal presented to the Faculty Advisory Group on May 28.

April 2020

  • Segal revised the peer group and applied a 10% cost of labor/cost of living premium to peer group data based on feedback from the Faculty Advisory Group and Academic Senate.
  • Draft total compensation philosophy created.
  • A preliminary faculty market assessment model and analysis were developed.

March 2020

January - February 2020

December 2019

  • TU provided Segal with relevant materials, including faculty and staff census, organizational charts and policy documents. Project plan and timeline finalized.

October - November 2019