Children's Services

Occupational Therapy Focus

Occupational therapy sessions use multi-sensory activities to promote sensory processing, bilateral tool usage, fine motor strength and dexterity, as well as handwriting, keyboarding and tech strategies. Sessions can also work to develop self-regulation skills and strategies for managing stress, handling difficult emotions, and development of coping skills to navigate challenging social situations. For those with low tone or decreased postural strength, gross motor obstacles courses are created to promote strengthening activities. Finally, we offer consultation with families related to home programs and coach parents and caregivers about areas of need or concern. We offer individual client services for ages 18 months to 16 years as well as group programs for children aged 18 months to 5 years. Please explore our pediatric services below.

First time participants must either schedule an Occupational Therapy evaluation or submit a recent (within one year) evaluation.    

Occupational Therapy Services

The Teeny Tigers program is for children ages 18 months to 3 years of age and their parents. The goals of the program are to develop  fine and gross motor skills, sensorimotor skills, speech and language skills, and overall wellness in your child. A licensed and certified occupational therapist and speech-languge pathologist along with their student clinicians provide parents with information and skills to help facilitate communication and motor skills at home. This program meets once a week for 90 minutes.

Please Apply Here

The Children's Therapy Program is a group program for preschoolers aged 3 to 5 years old. In this program, children receive services from both Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Pathology. Our Occupational Therapy services target sensory motor skills, fine/gross motor development, and activity engagement while our Speech and Language services target communication challenges that affect both language and social needs. The goals of both disciplines are targeted in several ways including circle time, story time, craft activity, gross/fine motor activities and snack time. This program is offered as a 2-day or 4-day option in the fall and spring. An intensive summer program is also offered in June and July.

Please Apply Here

Occupational therapists work (and play) with children to improve purposeful engagement in life activities (or occupations) in the areas of self-care, play, social participation and school. We offer evaluations and individual treatment targeting performance skills such as motor coordination, visual perception, sensory processing, self-regulation, social participation and oral motor and feeding needs. Pediatric 1:1 services are available for children aged 18 months to 16 years. To sign up for services, please complete our program application: 

Please Apply Here



We participate with BC/BS, Medical Assistance, and Medicare. For all other insurance plans, payment is expected at the time of the visit, but, upon request, a claim form will be provided for your submission to your insurance company. All specific questions regarding fees, payments and billing should be directed to the Business Office at 410-704-7300. 

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