
In-Person and Teletherapy Services

The Speech and Language Center will offer individual diagnostic and individual/small group treatment services this Fall both in-person and via teletherapy. When applying for programs, please indicate if you want in-person or teletherapy services and which days of the week and times you are available.

Fall sessions start September 9th, 2024.

The Speech and Language Center offers a variety of programs designed to evaluate and treat communication disorders. Comprehensive assessment and treatment services are provided to children and adults. We also offer several community outreach group programs that meet monthly for support and information sharing. Our current outreach programs include the Stroke Survivor Group.

We can provide speech, language and hearing screenings for area preschools, parent groups, community events and other organizations.

Contact us for more information about organizing a screening event.

Programs and Services

The Adolescent and Adult Language and Literacy Services (ALL) provides support for teens and adults who struggle with speaking, listening, reading and writing. We focus on services for children ages 10 and up. We also work with adults who have trouble keeping up with college-level classes or job related language and literacy skills.

The ALL program provides comprehensive assessments in the areas of spoken language, reading and writing that can help determine your strengths and weaknesses in language and literacy. We then make detailed recommendations for treatment and academic or work accommodations. We also offer intervention services to address spoken and written language needs.

For more information, contact the center.

Auditory Rehabilitation is designed to maximize your ability to engage in activities that might otherwise be limited by hearing loss. This six-week program is free of charge and open to Maryland residents living with hearing loss. Family members, caretakers and students interested in learning more about hearing loss are also encouraged to participate. 

The goal of the sessions is to provide information and resources to help better manage hearing loss, improve communication, promote self-advocacy, support informed decision-making regarding hearing-related purchases, and maximize benefit from hearing device use. We also provide a space to interact with a community of peers and advocates for ongoing support. 

To apply for an upcoming session, please contact us at (410) 704-7300 to be notified of the next available course.

We offer comprehensive assessments and individual treatment services for adults who experience problems or want to improve the following areas. If you don't see your concern listed, contact us to see if we can meet your needs.

  • Auditory/language processing
  • Cognitive communication skills
  • Pronunciation/articulation
  • Oral motor abilities
  • Social skills
  • Stuttering
  • Voice

Many communication disorders or differences are associated with one of the following medical diagnoses. We offer programs for persons with communication disorders related to these conditions. If your condition isn't listed, contact us to see if we can meet your needs:

  • Aphasia
  • Apraxia
  • Autism
  • Brain injury
  • Developmental delay
  • Dysarthria
  • Hearing loss

Adolescent and Adult Language and Literacy Services (ALL)
Stroke Survivor Group at TU
Wellness in Stroke and Head Injury (WISH)
Auditory Rehabilitation Group Sessions

We offer comprehensive assessments and individual treatment services for children with communication problems in the following areas. If your child's concern isn't listed, contact us to see if we can meet your needs:

  • Articulation/phonology
  • Auditory/language processing
  • Language comprehension
  • Language production
  • Oral motor abilities/Feeding
  • Social skills
  • Stuttering
  • Voice
  • Written language and reading

Group programs are designed for children to practice their communication skills in a group of peers. We provide group treatment in the Children’s Therapeutic Program for children ages 3 to 5 and Social Skills Group for School-Age Children.

Children's Therapy Program for Preschoolers
Social Skills Group for School-Age Children
Teeny Tigers 

Many communication disorders or differences may be associated with one of the following conditions. We provide evaluation and treatment services for children with these conditions. If you don't see your child's concern listed, please contact us to see if we can meet your needs:

  • Apraxia of speech
  • Autism
  • Cleft lip and palate
  • Developmental delay
  • Dysarthria
  • Hearing loss

The Children's Therapy Program for Preschoolers was designed to provide a speech and language rich therapeutic environment to preschool aged children ages 3 to 5 with communication challenges.

Speech and language skills are developed throughout a morning of activities including circle time, story time, craft activities, gross/fine motor activities and snack. Each child has an individualized treatment plan to target specific speech, language and social needs. Occupational therapy services are incorporated into the program to increase sensory motor skills, increase fine motor abilities and facilitate participation.

This program is offered as 2 day, or 4 day options in the fall and spring. An intensive summer program is also offered in June and July.

Current Program Information

A child may qualify for feeding therapy with just 1 of these concerns, including:

  • Avoiding or refusing different foods or textures
  • Avoiding or refusing cups, straws, or bottles
  • Not taking in enough volume of foods/liquids during meals
  • Slow transition to age-appropriate foods, textures, utensils, cups
  • Spilling food/liquid from mouth and/or drooling
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Food remains in mouth after swallowing (pocketing)
  • Gagging with foods
  • Prolonged and/or stressful mealtimes

We work closely with each child and their family to develop strategies to improve feeding-swallowing skills incorporating oral motor exercises, sensory exploration and play, positive behavioral interventions, mealtime modifications and parent education to promote age appropriate and enjoyable feeding experiences.

The Social Skills Group for School-Age Children is designed for children ages 7-10 or 11-14 who are challenged in recognizing and applying the concept of flexible thinking and social cooperation. These children may have average or near average spoken language skills but require instruction and practice to achieve successful social communication. Social skills are practiced in a fun and interesting group learning environment. Social Skills Groups are designed for children who . . .

  • Have difficulty making and maintaining friendships with peers
  • Have rigid thinking behaviors and become overly stressed when situations do not go their way
  • Have difficulty compromising and showing empathy towards others
  • Have limited awareness of personal space and social comfort zones

Goals will target improving social behaviors in the following ways:

  • Using flexible thinking
  • Using whole body listening
  • Using conversational turn taking
  • Following social rules
  • Understanding social expectations and socially acceptable behaviors

We offer two programs which target specific goals to the needs of the group:

  1. The year-round program meets once a week for 90 minutes during the fall, spring and summer semesters.
  2. A summer program for children ages 7-10 meets twice a week for two hours and 30 minutes for six weeks in June and July. This intensive program utilizes the “Super Flex . . . a Superhero Social Thinking Curriculum.”

Current Program Information

The Stroke Survivor Group at Towson University is dedicated to providing education, support and networking for stroke survivors, caregivers and their families, friends, caregivers and health professionals interested in stroke recovery.

Each meeting is focused on a general topic of discussion. A featured speaker, or members of the group, lead discussions and share information and helpful strategies. Participants have an opportunity to meet and socialize with other stroke survivors, family members and friends. Refreshments are also served.

The group meets monthly in the Fall and Spring and holds one social event during the summer. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30-8 p.m. You can call us at 410-704-7300 (or use the Contact Us link below) to confirm upcoming meeting dates and to get parking instructions.

Contact Us


The Teeny Tigers program is for children ages 18 months to three years of age and their parents.  The goals of the program are to develop speech and language skills, fine and gross Motor skills, sensorimotor skills and overall wellness in your child.  A licensed and certified speech-language pathologist and an occupational therapist along with their students provide parents with information and skills to help facilitate communication and motor skills at home.  This program meets once a week for 90 minutes.

The Voice Program at the Towson University Speech & Language Center offers voice evaluation and treatment services.  We also offer seminars and voice consultations to maximize vocal wellness and assess at-risk behaviors in persons such as school teachers, clergy, lawyers, salespeople or telemarketers, cheerleaders, coaches as well as others who frequently speak loudly for prolonged periods of time.

To make an appointment contact the center.

The WISH program is designed for recent or long-term survivors of head injury or stroke who are seeking cost-effective ways to continue their rehabilitation. WISH provides adults with speech, language and occupational therapy integrated into a variety of daily living activities. WISH members also participate in twice weekly exercise programs within our Wellness Center.

Tuesdays  9:30-12:00 p.m.
Group Speech, Language and Occupational Therapy
Wellness Exercise Program


Thursdays 9:30-12:00 p.m.
Group Speech, Language and Occupational Therapy
Wellness Exercise Program
Daily Living and Community Skills

For more information contact the center.

Upcoming program information.

This program is offered in partnership with the Occupational Therapy Center.


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