Diversity Initiatives & Resources

The Office of the Provost enthusiastically supports the university’s diversity and inclusion mission and vision. Dedicated resources and initiatives promote success by fostering environments grounded in respect and inclusion for all members of TU’s campus community.   

Faculty Programs

colorful books

Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Fellows

The Diversity & Inclusion Faculty Fellow (DIFF) program provides support for TU faculty who are interested in developing or redesigning courses for major or core curriculum, curricular practices to support inclusive classroom environments, research and teaching projects, pedagogy and research toolkits, scholar-practitioner collaborations, and/or building collaborations to enhance diversity and inclusion. 

Diversity Faculty Fellows
people meeting

Inclusive Teaching Collective

Inclusive Teaching Collective (ITC) is a unique learning community for faculty members who consider perspectives on what it means to engage with culturally sensitive and affirming practices for the benefit of students in our classrooms. Participation in this collective will include opportunities to add to your instructional toolkit and develop partnerships for shared learning and support. 

Inclusive Teaching Collective
student smiling


Dialogue@TU provides opportunities for the entire campus to learn the theory and practice of dialogue as a useful skill in navigating frank discussions about our identities and social justice. It is a multi-week program that brings together small groups of individuals from two or more social identity groups to increase social consciousness and build bridges across group differences.


Inclusive Classrooms

Year round, best practices suggest that religious accommodations are demonstrative of an inclusive classroom.  Faculty are expected to make reasonable accommodations for religious observances as required by both Towson University policy and USM policy.

TU accommodates students, faculty and staff who observe religious/spiritual holy days. Please check dates before scheduling critical deadlines, events or activities and accommodate observant individuals with reasonable support. Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of religious or spiritual belief.​

Recommendations are included below to provide reasonable and fair support to students who may encounter conflicts with scheduled exams, assignments, or required attendance due to religious observances:

  • Faculty and students should work together to reach reasonable accommodations that abide by the Towson University Policy on Non-Discrimination.
  • Faculty can inform students of the USM policy concerning the scheduling of academic assignments on dates of religious observance and indicate that they will not be penalized because of religious observances “and shall be given an opportunity, whenever feasible, to make up within a reasonable time any academic assignment that is missed due to individual participation in religious observances.” Indicating awareness of religious observances can make students feel better supported and empowered to seek any accommodations.
  • Faculty can reiterate policy concerning written requests to be excused from a class, an exam, or other scheduled academic activity to observe a religious holiday. Also, you can remind students that they should make arrangements in advance to make up any exams, or class material if they are absent.
  • Faculty may:
    • Discuss 1:1 with students what support they may need if they are breaking their fast during class or exam time.
    • Post exam schedules in advance so students can be better informed and prepared to ask for accommodations. Faculty may allow Muslim students to take their exams earlier in the day, rather than at the end of a day of fasting.  
  • Starting in late March or early April, many Muslims in the Towson University community will abstain from food and drink (including water) from dawn until sunset during the month of Ramadan.
    • Faculty may offer the option for students to not be required to take more than one exam in a 24-hour period.
    • Faculty may ensure that Accessibility and Disability Services  (ADS) and Resources are available during those alternate exam times.
    • Individual faculty may choose to supervise alternate exams themselves.
    • Every Muslim student does not have the same capacity, as some prefer to take exams earlier in the day, while others are better prepared after breaking their fast.

For ongoing support, please contact the Office of Inclusion & Institutional Equity at .


How to share a land acknowledgment

Towson University’s Office of Inclusion & Institutional Equity (OIIE) provides resources to guide the community in awareness, understanding and action around the Native peoples of the region and the land on which we reside. Click here to learn how to create a personalized land acknowledgment for use at events, conferences, and more.

Contact Information

Office of the Provost 

Administration Building
Room 311