Courseleaf Curriculum & Catalog Management

Courseleaf is Towson University's online curriculum management & catalog editing software. The Curriculum Inventory Management System (CIM) is used to enter course & program proposals, which once approved, feed directly to the University Catalog (CAT). Courseleaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) makes class scheduling easier and more transparent. SYLLABI, is a syllabus management tool.

syllabus software

Do you want an easier way to build your syllabus?

Towson University is looking to roll out a new syllabus building software to interested faculty for upcoming semesters. SYLLABI is a tool that can assist with creating consistent, professional syllabi that meets both university and accessibility standards.

Some benefits of using SYLLABI are:

  • Cuts down on the time required to create a syllabus
  • Can easily copy a syllabus from a previous semester
  • Information such as course number, section number, course times, course description are automatically pulled in from PeopleSoft
  • Create web versions and PDF versions of your syllabus that meet accessibility standards
  • University policies are automatically kept up-to-date (Accessibility and Disability Services Policies, Emergency Policies, etc.)
  • Repository for a "Syllabus of Record" for future reference

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us via

The use of SYLLABI is entirely voluntary; individual faculty retain the right to determine whether their syllabi are entered into this system.

Courseleaf Curriculum & Catalog Management Access

Course Inventory Management (CIM)

Course Inventory Management (CourseAdmin) in CIM is used when proposing a new course or changing an existing one.

Contact is Suzanne Hill at or 410-704-4347.


Frequently Asked Questions

Course Management (CIM)

Yes, you can "save changes" at any point and come back to the proposal, however, it must be submitted to workflow to start the curricular approval process.

Only in limited cIrcumstances such as when a course will no longer be a core course or a course is being converted from lower to upper level. Contact the Registrar's Office with questions.

  • Under "Propose New Course", select subject code TSEM, and create a 3 character course number that starts with (10A, 108, 10C, etc.), then your department code.
  • No need to select College.
  • If "Core: Yes or No" has not opened up, start again.
  • Proceed with the title & all other fields for your new TSEM102 topic.

A Syllabus of Record is a general syllabus that must be attached to every new course proposal. It should also be attached on all Core courses and courses with substantial changes. If should follow these guidelines:

  • Do not include references to specific instructors, terms or dates.
  • Include links to TU policies.
  • Should refer to Accessibility & Disability Services (ADS) rather than DSS.
  • C- or D- grades should not be included on the grading scale for undergraduate courses.
  • B-, C+, C-, or D grades should not be included on the grading scale for graduate courses.
  • If Class Participation is 10% or more of the final grade, it should be clear to the students how this will be graded and how that current grade will be communicated to the students.
  • Include a bibliography for upper level courses and submit along with the syllabus together in one file.
Only proposals fully approved by the catalog curriculum deadline (mid-July) will appear.
  • Yes. New, not-yet-approved courses can be included in a program revision, however, the program revision will not be approved by the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) or Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) until all pending courses have been fully approved.
  • Submit new course proposals early in the academic year to avoid delays in the program approval process.
  • Please refer to the Curriculum Management guide for additional clarification.

Program Management (CIM)

Program Management, within CIM, is used for proposing and revising overall requirements for all majors, minors, and graduate programs.


Erika Carlson-Hiles at for undergraduate programs.

Patrick Malloy at for graduate programs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Program Management (CIM)

Once submitted into workflow, program revisions will then be reviewed as follows:

  • Department Chairperson (this step may also include the department curriculum committee review)
  • College Curriculum Committee
  • TEEB (for education programs associated with CAEP)
  • University Curriculum Committee (Undergraduate Level) or Graduate Studies Committee (Graduate Level)
  • Academic Senate followed by MHEC/USM for program revisions with substantial changes and/or requiring external review
  • Catalog Editor

Because new programs must be evaluated off-campus (MHEC/USM), the process can be quite lengthy. Please allow at least six months to have the program fully approved and ready to be offered. Programs requiring professional accreditation review will require additional time.

Approved Program Revisions - updated by AR&T in the Registrar's Office

  • Most revisions are effective the next catalog year
  • Minor revisions can be made throughout the year or retroactively after consultation with the Registrar's Office

Academic Structure Changes (Non-CIM)

Structural changes that do not require CIM approvals will need to be submitted via the Non-CIM Structural Change Request Form, contact Erika Carlson-Hiles for the form. Examples: Changing ownership of a major or department; new or revised subject code; new or revised department name.

Erika Carlson-Hiles, or 410-704-2027.

Curriculum Approval Queues (CIM)

Proposed changes for courses, programs and four-year plans are reviewed within the Courseleaf approval queue. Authorized approvers include department chairs, curriculum committee chairs, Provost's Office, University Senate and the Registrar's Office. Automatic notifications are sent out once a proposal appears within an approval queue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Curriculum Approval Queues (CIM)

No, you will have to wait until the program/course is at rest before additional edits can be made. Once a proposal is in workflow, you can only edit, approve or roll-back proposals if they are in your approval queue.

That means there is nothing in workflow for that particular queue/role. To view where a program or course proposal is in the workflow, visit Course Management or Program Management.

Approvers have the ability to rollback proposals to any previous step in the workflow with comments. If it is rolled back to the initiator, the approval path will be lost. It is often a better choice to roll the proposal back to the department chair instead.

When a proposal is rolled back, the approval process starts over.

You will receive a notification for one of two reasons:

  • A proposal has arrived in your approval queue and requires action for the workflow to continue.
  • A course or program has fully completed the approval process and you are being notified as an FYI.

Catalog Management (CAT)

Catalog Management (CAT) is Towson University's catalog editing software, used by both academic & non-academic departments to update their content each year.

Contact is Brooke Harris, or 410-704-3269.


Frequently Asked Questions

Catalog Management (CAT)

The TU website and the catalog are not the same publication. The website can be updated at any time, however, the catalog has a final due date. Both are edited in entirely different platforms.

If the URL begins with "catalog" or "nextcatalog" you are in the Catalog.
This is where edits take place for the upcoming edition of the catalog and should be seen as a work in progress.

Yes. Even if you DO NOT have any changes to make on your catalog page(s), you are required to submit them to workflow. Submitting your page to workflow is an indication to our office that you have reviewed and approve the content that is being published within the catalog.

2024-2025 CATALOG

  • First Review/Final Edits
    March 27
    June 26
  • Curriculum Updates are Due
    July 17
  • Soft-Publish (Go Live) - only minor changes can be made
    July 24
  • Updates for Faculty Listing are Due
    August 1
  • Official Publish - no more changes will be made
    August 2

You cannot make changes to the live/current catalog. The deadlines are very important because the catalog cannot be edited once it is live in early August. Any updates that take place after the "go-live" date must wait until the next catalog.

Course Section Scheduler (CLSS)

Courseleaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) is used by departments to build class schedules.

Contact is Suzanne Hill, or 410-704-4347.


Frequently Asked Questions

Courseleaf Class Section Scheduler (CLSS)

No. Refer to Class Scheduling Building for additional information.
Deadlines will be posted in CLSS.
Yes. Refer to the Course Scheduling Guide for detailed instructions.
  • Submit grades using the official Grade Roster through PeopleSoft.
  • Grades submitted in Blackboard are not official and must be manually entered and posted in PeopleSoft.
  • Contact the Registrar's Office if student is not on PS roster.

Courseleaf Syllabus Management

Courseleaf Syllabus Management (SYLLABI) is a syllabus template builder & a repository that will streamline the creation of a syllabus & ensure all required elements are included. TU students, faculty & staff will have the ability to search the repository by term, college, department, or class section.


Support Contact

name support for email phone
Suzanne Hill CIM Courses 410-704-4347
Erika Carlson-Hiles CIM Undergraduate Programs 410-704-2027
Patrick Malloy CIM Graduate Programs 410-704-6030
Brooke Harris Catalog 410-704-3269

Curriculum Committee Meetings

Meetings are held September through May.

committee meeting time
University Curriculum Second Monday of the month at 3:30 pm
Course Approval Reporting Committee First Wednesday of the month at 10:30 am
Core Curriculum Reporting Committee Third Thursday of the month at 9 am
Honors Monthly
Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee First Friday of the month at 1 pm
Graduate Studies Committee Second Friday of the month at 1 pm

College Curriculum Committee Meetings

College Curriculum Committees

committee meeting time
College of Business & Economics Second Friday of the month at 8:30 am
College of Education Second Monday of the month at 2 pm
College of Fine Arts & Communication First Friday of the month at 1 pm
College of Health Professions Fourth Friday of the month from 1-3 pm
College of Liberal Arts First Thursday of the month at 3:30 pm
Fisher College of Science & Mathematics Monthly