Tuition Differential Charge
Frequently Asked Questions
What is differential tuition?
Differential tuition is an additional charge that enhances the educational experience of certain high-demand, high-cost programs. The funds aim to strengthen academic excellence in majors and programs that have high instructional and support costs. The funds provide for hiring faculty in high-demand fields, additional internships, investments in technology, advisors and career counseling, and expansion of financial aid to increase access and affordability to these programs. -
Who is affected by differential tuition?
Junior and senior-level students who were admitted in spring 2020 or later with a declared major in the following high-cost programs: the College of Business and Economics, the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, and the Department of Nursing. -
Who has to pay differential tuition?
Affected students will pay $63 per credit hour for courses within these subject codes: ACCT, BUSX, CIS, COSC, EBTM, ECON, ENTR, FIN, FPLN, ITEC, LEGL, MKTG, MNGT and NURS. The differential cost is capped so that no student will pay more than $750 per term. No student will be assessed more than $3,000 in tuition differential during their academic career.
The differential tuition cost is in addition to standard tuition and fees. It may be added to other applicable courses and/or programs.
Why do I have to pay differential tuition?
Differential tuition helps to offset the higher costs associated with providing certain majors. These programs warrant differential tuition to more closely align program costs with tuition charged, as well as increase quality measures within these programs for higher-level courses. The university will ensure all differential tuition funds stay within these selected academic programs. -
If I’m in two of the programs charging differential tuition, will I have to pay double?
No, students with a double major will pay only one differential tuition charge. -
Do I have to pay differential tuition for summer and/or winter session?
No, differential tuition will not be charged for the winter and summer sessions. -
Do out-of-state students pay a different amount?
No, differential tuition is the same for in-state and out-of-state students. -
Is there financial assistance available to help students with financial burden?
Yes, a financial aid program will be available to assist students with high financial need. -
What if I have questions about differential tuition charges?
If you have any comments or questions related to these items, please contact the Student & University Billing Office,