Burdick Hall
The Campus Recreation Center at Burdick Hall is a 235,000 square foot recreation and fitness facility. The facility includes a comprehensive variety of fitness equipment, an indoor swimming pool, multi-purpose wood-floored gymnasiums and rubber-floored activity courts, five fitness studios, a functional training area complete with turf flooring, and a space dedicated for drink and snack purchases.
Burdick Hall has a Fitness Center complete with a variety of cardio and weightlifting equipment, an indoor swimming pool, multi-purpose gymnasiums, and large locker rooms with showers. Day-use lockers are available within Burdick Hall.
Campus Recreation hosts a variety of special events throughout the academic year, including Intramural Sports, Sport Clubs competitions and tournaments, camps, swim meets, and numerous university-affiliated events.
Towson's Department of Kinesiology, which has several state-of-the-art classrooms and labs, is also located in Burdick Hall.
Usage Guidelines
The following usage guidelines are in effect within Campus Recreation facilities to maintain the health and safety of all members and guests and to preserve the quality of programs, facilities, and equipment. The use of Campus Recreation facilities is a privilege. Failure to follow or adhere to any usage guidelines and/or the direction of Campus Recreation employees may result in dismissal from the facility, revocation of membership, or judicial referral.
Burdick Hall and Facility Space Usage Guidelines
Burdick Hall
- All users must be current Towson University students, faculty, staff, household, and alumni members or guests of patrons.
- In order to gain access to the Campus Recreation facilities, all users must present a valid physical TU OneCard, a barcode generated from their TU Campus Rec App login, or a valid Campus Recreation guest pass at the Recreation Desk. Towson OneCards or guest passes may be verified at any time by Campus Recreation staff and/or other University officials.
- The sharing of Campus Recreation access credentials is prohibited. If the photo in the Campus Recreation access control system does not match the individual attempting to gain access, the individual attempting to gain access and the owner of the credentials may be subject to disciplinary action.
- Personal belongings must be stored in the appropriate lockers. Bags, purses, and other large personal items are not allowed in the fitness center and pool.
- Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items. It is highly recommended that items be secured in a locker. Locks are available for rental at the main desk. Campus Recreation does maintain a lost and found inventory. If an item is suspected to have been lost within Campus Recreation facilities, please see a staff member to claim the item.
- Locks should not be left on lockers overnight other than rented locks and lockers in the Campus Recreation locker rooms. Any non-rented locks will be cut at the end of the night.
- Pets, other than guide animals, are prohibited.
- Participants are responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their guests. All users must show sportsmanship and mutual respect at all times; profanity and fighting will not be tolerated and may result in judicial action.
To respect the privacy and comfort of our participants, Campus Recreation has developed photo/video guidelines. Please follow the guidelines regarding photography and videography while using the Campus Rec facilities. Requests must be submitted using this form at minimum three business days prior to the date you wish to photograph or film in the Campus Recreation Facility.
- Campus Recreation staff will post approved flyers in authorized areas for a limited amount of time. All materials must be emailed to campusrec AT_TOWSON for approval at least five (5) business days of the event or activity.
- The following items are prohibited in the gymnasiums at all times:
- PERSONAL MOBILITY CONVENIENCE DEVICES (PMCDs): Electric battery, gas, petroleum powered scooter; Pedal cycles; Segways; Hoverboard; Powerboard; Skateboard; Roller skates, In-line skates; Or similar devices
- FOOD and BEVERAGE: All food products; sunflower seeds, peanuts, and other shelled nuts; gum; glass bottles or containers
- FOOTWEAR: Metal cleats; pointed heels
- EQUIPMENT: Stakes, spikes, or other pointed objects; grills, space heaters, or other equipments with open flames; skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, and other wheeled apparatuses
- OTHER: Tobacco products (chew, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco); all animals, with the exception of service animals; golfing equipment; alcohol; fireworks; water balloons
- Towson University and Campus Recreation are not responsible for injuries sustained while participating in recreational or other sporting activities. All physical activities offered in Campus Recreation facilities are on a voluntary participation basis and carry various degrees of risk or injury. Participants assume sole responsibility for any and all such risk or injury that may result due to voluntary participation. It is each individual’s responsibility to be knowledgeable of his/her own physical condition when participating in any activity.
- All policies indicated in the Towson University Code of Student Accountability are in effect within Campus Recreation facilities, programs and events.
- Sport club members and NCAA varsity athletes may not work out together in Burdick Hall, Burdick Turf Fields or any Campus Recreation affiliated facility in groups of more than 4 members.
- The use of Campus Recreation facilities is a privilege. Consider the consequences of your actions and do not engage in behavior that may harm other patrons or damage equipment. Individuals who choose to engage in unacceptable behavior have their access revoked or modified indefinitely
Emergency Closing Policy
- If Towson University is closed due to emergency, Campus Recreation facilities will also be closed. Call 410-704-2000 or 410-704-NEWS for emergency updates. Please do not call the University Police Department with emergency closing related questions. Please see Inclement Weather Policy for information on closing due to severe weather.
Guest Procedures
- TU Students, Faculty, Staff, Household and Campus Recreation Alumni Members with valid OneCard are welcome to sponsor guest(s) for use of CR facilities and participation in limited programs.
- All guests must be accompanied by their TU sponsor (student, faculty, staff, household or alumni member) at all times when utilizing CR facilities.
- No more than three (3) guests are permitted at one time/visit.
- A waiver must be completed or currently on file for any guest(s) at time of access.
- Guest(s) must be 18 years of age to utilize Campus Recreation facilities.
- All guests are prohibited from participating in Sports Clubs, Intramural Sports, Kayaking Clinics, Outdoor Equipment Rental and Personal Training.
- All guests must redeem a guest pass by following the Guest Pass Purchasing Guidelines.
- All guests are required to have a valid Photo ID
- A valid photo ID must include:
- Picture
- Name
- Birthdate
- Acceptable forms of valid photo ID include:
- Driver's License
- Passport
- State Issued ID Card
- Student ID (must contain birthdate)
- A picture of a valid photo ID will be accepted
- A valid photo ID must include:
Burdick Gymnasiums
- All users must be current Towson University students, faculty, staff, household, and alumni members or guests of patrons. Towson OneCards or guest passes may be verified at any time by Campus Recreation staff and/or other University officials.
- The gymnasiums are not intended for the following sports: Baseball/Softball, Lacrosse, Field Hockey, or Football. Other activities are permissible upon request and by approval of Campus Recreation facilities management staff.
- During open recreation the courts are to be used on a first come, first served basis. If others are waiting to play, please be respectful and limit pick-up games to 30 minutes.
- Disassembling or removing equipment is strictly prohibited.
- Kicking, throwing, or striking equipment towards the wall, ceiling, basketball assembly, or Mezzanine/balcony is prohibited.
- Non-marking, soft-soled, closed-toe and heel athletic shoes are required.
- Shoes and shirt must be worn at all times.
- The playing of projected music or use of stereo systems is prohibited unless approved for a reservation or special event.
- Hanging on the net, rim, or any part of basketball standards is prohibited.
- No leaning or sitting against the curtain divider at any time.
- Lobby exit doors in Gymnasium 1 are for emergency access only.
- Report all emergencies to the Campus Recreation Facility Manager on duty.
- Personal belongings must be stored in the appropriate lockers. Bags, purses, and other large personal items should not be stored along the walls or curtain.
- Food and chewing gum is prohibited in the gymnasiums. Water and sport drinks are allowed in a re-sealable, non-breakable container.
- Skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, and other wheeled apparatuses are prohibited.
- Participants must show sportsmanship at all times-profanity and fighting will not be tolerated and may result in judicial action with Student Conduct.
- Report all maintenance issues, vandalism, or misuse of facilities immediately to Campus Recreation (410-704-2367).
- The following items are prohibited in the gymnasiums at all times:
- FOOD and BEVERAGE: All food products; sunflower seeds, peanuts, and other shelled nuts; gum; glass bottles or containers
- FOOTWEAR: Metal cleats; pointed heels
- EQUIPMENT: Stakes, spikes, or other pointed objects; grills, space heaters, or other equipments with open flames; skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, scooters, and other wheeled apparatuses
- OTHER: Tobacco products (chew, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco); all animals, with the exception of service animals; golfing equipment; alcohol; fireworks; water balloons
- The use of Campus Recreation facilities is a privilege. Consider the consequences of your actions and do not engage in behavior that may harm other patrons or damage equipment. Individuals who choose to engage in unacceptable behavior have their access revoked or modified indefinitely.
Rec Center
- Any use of or modification of equipment other than its intended purpose is not permitted. Campus Recreation is not responsible for any injury that may occur as a result of misuse.
- Participants acting in a way that can create an unsafe environment for themselves or others may be asked to discontinue the unsafe behavior or activity by a Campus Recreation employee.
- Use of cardiovascular equipment is limited to 30 minutes while others are waiting.
- Patrons must rack weights and return other accessories after use.
- Spotters are recommended. Please contact a Campus Recreation employee if a spotter or assistance with equipment is needed.
- Intentionally slamming or dropping weights is not permitted.
- Chalk blocks may only be used on the Platforms. Loose chalk is not permitted. Liquid chalk dispensers are available for your convenience. Please clean any chalk residue off of plates, bars, and platforms that may be left behind after use.
- Deliberate abuse, kicking, throwing, or striking equipment towards the wall, windows or ceiling is not permitted.
- Throwing medicine balls against the walls is only permitted on the designated slam wall in the Level 2 Functional Floor area.
- Private personal training is only permitted by authorized Campus Recreation employees.
- Movement of equipment between floors is prohibited.
- Wiping down equipment after use is requested to keep the equipment clean and properly functioning. Sanitation wipes are available throughout the Fitness Floor.
- Report all emergencies, maintenance issues, vandalism, or misuse of facilities to a Campus Recreation employee by calling 410-704-2367.
- Gym bags, backpacks, and other personal items are not permitted in the Fitness Center. Please use a day use locker to store items.
Participants that are considered to be acting in a way that can create an unsafe environment for themselves or others may be asked to discontinue the unsafe behavior or activity. Campus Recreation employees have the final authority to determine if there is a safety concern present.
Burdick Pool
- All users must be current Towson University students, faculty, staff, household, and alumni members or guests of patrons. Towson OneCards or guest passes may be verified at any time by Campus Recreation staff and/or other University officials.
- Swimming is only permitted when lifeguards are on duty.
- Showers are required before entering the pool.
- No running or rough play is permitted in the pool/deck and locker room areas.
- Food and chewing gum are prohibited on the deck and in the locker rooms. Water and or sport drinks are only permitted in re-sealable and non-breakable plastic containers. NO GLASS.
- Proper swimming attire is to be worn at all times. Children under three years of age must wear plastic pants or swim diapers.
- Users of the pool area are responsible for removing all items they bring to the pool.
- Radios, video-recording devices, cameras and other similar devices are not allowed in the pool area without prior approval from Campus Recreation administration.
- Soft pool toys are allowed. No hard plastic or metal toys are permitted.
- No use of diving boards or starting blocks is allowed. All diving must take place in deep end.
- No flips, back dives, or twists from edge of pool.
- Kickboards, pull buoys, fins, aqua jog belts and other aquatic fitness equipment are only to be used for their intended purpose.
- No hanging, sitting, or climbing on lane lines.
- Only Coast Guard Approved personal flotation devices permitted in the pool.
- Children using flotation devices must have an adult in the water with them at all times.
- No alcohol or smoking is allowed in the pool area. Persons appearing to be under the influence will be asked to leave the facility.
- Any person having a skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharges, open wounds, cast, or any communicable disease are not permitted to use the pool.
- Spitting, spouting of water, blowing the nose, or otherwise introducing contaminants into the facility water is not permitted. Such occurrences may result in the pool being closed at the discretion of the lifeguard.
- All band aids and/or athletic tape must be removed before entering the pool.
- Report all maintenance issues, vandalism, or misuse of facilities immediately to Campus Recreation (410-704-2367).
- Report all emergencies to Campus Recreation Facility Manager on duty.
- The use of Campus Recreation facilities is a privilege. Consider the consequences of your actions and do not engage in behavior that may harm other patrons or damage equipment. Individuals who choose to engage in unacceptable behavior have their access revoked or modified indefinitely.
Open Recreation
Campus Recreation offers a variety of open recreation opportunities for members to participate in various sporting activities throughout the day.
Spring 2025 Open Recreation
Open Recreation
Time: 12 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 12 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 4:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 3 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Competitive Sports
Time: 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Open Recreation
Time: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.