Mathematics Tutoring

Tutoring for select courses is available in-person and online. Spring 2025 tutoring begins 02/03 and ends 05/08.

What tutoring is available?

Tutoring for select mathematics courses is available for in-person drop-in and online appointment-based sessions for the following courses:

  • MATH 082, 083, 095
  • MATH 100, 102, 105, 111, 115, 117, 119,
  • MATH 204, 211, 231, 237, 251, 263, 265, 267, 273, 274, 275, 283
  • MATH 314, 330, 331, 332, 369, 372, 374

When and where is tutoring offered?

Tutoring for math courses is offered both online and in person. Sessions are available from 02/03 to 05/08. The Spring 2025 Math Tutoring Schedule will be available shortly.

  • For drop-in tutoring, visit us Mondays-Thursdays at York Road, room YR 109 and Sundays at Cook Library, room CK 345.
  • For appointment-based tutoring, visit TracCloud and follow the instructions (PDF) to schedule an online appointment. Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.

Drop-in Tutoring Instructions

Our in-person sessions take place in the York Road building, room YR 109, on Mondays-Thursdays, and Cook Library, room CK 345, on Sundays.

For further information and resources, join our Blackboard Math Online Tutoring Community

Drop-In Schedule:

COURSE Weekly Schedule
MATH 082, 083, 095, 100, 102, 105, 111, 115, 117, 119, 211, 273, 283


MATH 204, 251


MATH 231


MATH 237, 330


MATH 263


MATH 265


MATH 267


MATH 274


MATH 275


MATH 314


MATH 331


MATH 332


MATH 369


MATH 372


MATH 374


Appointment-based Tutoring Instructions

15 minutes before your session:

  • Log in to TracCloud.
  • Click on the option for Enter Online Appointment, this will take you to your online session. View the instructions (PDF) for joining your session.

Online Appointment-based Schedule: 

COURSE Weekly Schedule
MATH 082, 083, 095, 100, 102, 105, 111, 115, 117, 119, 211, 273


MATH 204, 251


MATH 231


MATH 237, 330


MATH 263


MATH 265, 267 274, 283


MATH 275


MATH 314


MATH 331


Schedule your appointment.

Make an Appointment

Visit Tutoring to review our tutoring policies, including details about our cancellation policy.


Come prepared. 

Compile a list of questions and bring all relevant course materials (e.g. class notes, textbook(s), returned tests or quizzes, etc.) to your session. Tutoring sessions can be canceled if you arrive unprepared. 

Get to know your tutor's role.

All peer tutors are recommended by TU faculty members and their job is to assist you in understanding significant course concepts, develop problem-solving strategies and suggest study techniques. Tutors will not complete or assist with specific homework, project, writing and/or research assignments. Tutors may not be able to answer all questions. 

Share your feedback.

We want to hear about your experiences with our services. You can provide your feedback in two ways:

  • Share feedback by logging in to TracCloud
  • Share feedback after the final exam period closes.  


york rd
Remembering Devin Spence '12
The Spence Mathematics Tutoring Lab is named after Devin Spence (1989-2013) who worked as a student tutor from 2008-2011.