Preliminary Planning

Before beginning to write a proposal, it is important to create a clear plan and timeline. The following information provides guidance on some of the steps you should take.

Contact Pre-Award Early

Timeline steps to submission
30 days
Notify OSPR and leadership of Intent to Submit: Fill out Intake Form and notify chair and dean (or equivalent leadership) of submission. This allows OSPR time to allocate resources to support you.
30 days to 1 week before deadline Develop budget and key proposal components: OSPR will work closely with you to develop the budget and will assist you in identifying necessary proposal elements.
1 week before deadline Route for internal approvals: OSPR will initiate routing through Kuali with a final budget and narrative draft. Your chair and dean will have to review and approve. OSPR has final approval.
3-4 days before deadline Send OSPR final versions of all proposal components for review: OSPR requries a few days to provide thorough review and give feedack. Sending OSPR materials for review with less than 3 days to the deadline is not sufficient time to ensure compliance with funder requirements and may result in less competitive proposals.
2 days before deadline SUBMIT EARLY when possible! Prepare for submission to avoid last minute technical issues, unforseen circumstances, and last-minute corrections. OSPR submits after final review and approval.
Day of deadline OSPR will not submit past 5 PM, EST, even when the sponsor deadline is later. If you've waited until the deadline to submit, OSPR needs your final documents by noon.

With at least 30 days’ notice, the the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (OSPR) can support various aspects of the proposal development phase, including budget development and proposal/project narrative editing, culminating in the successful submission of a proposal.

Submit the intake form to notify the OSPR Pre-Award team and initiate the proposal submission process.

Pre-Award Intake Form

Contact the pre-award team early in the proposal preparation process to notify them of intent to apply and to begin to discuss support and resource needs. 

Planning Stage

The pre-award team will work with you on the following: