Kuali Research
Kuali is TU's internal online grant management system.
The sections below outline the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research (OSPR) procedures and expectations for the proposal submission process and the link to begin routing your proposal through Kuali Coeus.
Kuali Coeus (KC) is a web-based integrated software system that supports core processes in the OSPR. It is used for proposal development and submission, award and subaward management, Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols and committees, and general agreements and negotiations associated with sponsored programs, such as materials transfer, teaming and research, confidentiality and invention disclosure.
Note: Kuali works best with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and Safari browsers may experience issues with loading the pages.
The OSPR prefers to be notified as soon as you know you plan to apply to an opportunity, ideally no less than 30 days before the deadline. If your proposal will be submitted in that timeframe, the OSPR requires the following information:
Pre-award point of contact | college |
Anne Greene Associate Director Administration Building, 3246 Phone: 410-704-4488 Email: agreene AT_TOWSON |
CHP - Health Sciences, Hussman Center for Autism Studies, and the Institute for Wellbeing
Kat Nunan Senior Grant & Contract Administrator Administration Building, 3234 Phone: 410-704-4687 Email: knunan AT_TOWSON |
CHP - Kinesiology and Speech - Language Pathology & Audiology ONLY |
Thea Robertson Grant & Contract Specialist Administration Building, 3240 Phone: 410-704-4933 Email: trobertson AT_TOWSON |
Braden Burns |
FCSM - Computer & Information Sciences ONLY |
The OSPR team member will review the solicitation and study the sponsor guidelines, and then schedule a meeting with you to go over the proposal's details and confirm the submission plan. This will include determining a plan for completion of the proposal documents.
All proposals are routed for approvals to the PI / Co-PI’s chair(s) and dean(s); therefore routing should occur a minimum of 5 business days prior to the deadline to allow for review and insure submission. Individual chairs and deans may require that the proposal be provided to them early and outside of the routing process to allow them additional time for review. Check with your department chair for additional information.
The following documents / information are required for routing:
The OSPR will advise you of other documents that may be needed for your particular proposal.
If Towson University will be a subawardee on a proposal to another university, it is likely that TU’s deadline will be at least one week earlier than the funding opportunity closes so that the lead institution is able to finalize its documents. It is important to keep this in mind for routing purposes.
The following documents are required for routing:
If TU is the lead on a project it is important that the partner institutions get their materials to TU no less than five business days before the deadline so that we are able to meet our internal review deadline and successfully submit the proposal.
Please note that the final budget for routing will need to incorporate the final budgets from all subawardee institutions.
The approval chain will include:
The proposal will not move from the chairs to the deans until all chairs have approved.
If approval by other parties is required, such as the Towson University Foundation for TUF submissions, the OSPR will obtain email approval.
The OSPR will be the final reviewer and submitter for all proposals where the university is the main applicant of record. In instances where the Towson University Foundation is the main applicant, a TUF member will perform the submission.
For applications submitted through the National Science Foundation’s Research.gov portal the PI should initiate a new proposal, then share the proposal with SPO/AOR to enable the OSPR staff to edit, review and submit the proposal. Refer to the Research.gov help document for assistance.
Other Grants.gov applications submitted via a PDF packet will also be completed by the OSPR team member assigned to your proposal, who will work with you to gather the necessary information and supporting documents.