Course Sequence

The program of study for the SPPA major for students who begin as pre-majors in their freshman year is provided below. Students who begin as sophomores or juniors should meet with a department advisor to plan a modified program of study. SPPA courses are usually offered one semester each year, so students must plan their program of study carefully.

Degree Completion Plan (Excel Workbook)

Degree Completion Plan (PDF)

First Year (PSPA Pre-Major Year)

Term Course Code Course Title
Fall or Spring BIOL 191 Biol for Health Science Majors * (or BIOL 200) (4)
Fall or Spring ENGL 102 Writing for a Liberal Education (3) *
Fall or Spring SPPA 101 Intro to Human Communication & Disorders (3)
Fall or Spring DFST 104 American Sign Language I (3) *
Fall or Spring PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology (3) *
Fall or Spring MATH 115 College Algebra (3) (or MATH 119 [4] )*
Fall or Spring Category A or B Course Category A or B Course Complete one from Category A or one from Category B**
Category A: CHEM 121+121L, PHYS 202, PHYS 211.
Category B: SOCI 101, EDUC 203, ANTH 207.
**The second required Category A or B course must be completed before graduation.
Fall or Spring SPED 301 Intro to Special Education (3)
Fall or Spring   Core or general elective
Fall or Spring   Core or general elective

Second Year (following admission into the major)

Term Course Code Course Title
Fall SPPA 315 Language Development in Children (3)
Fall SPPA 312 Phonetics of American English (3)
Fall BIOL 221 +221L

Anatomy and Physiology I (3)

A&P I Lab (1)

Fall SPPA 303 Hearing Science (3)
Fall   Core class
Spring SPPA 300 Anatomy & Physiology Auditory & Vocal Mechanism (3)
Spring PSYC 212 Behavioral Statistics (4) *
Spring SPPA 302 Articulation and Phonological Disorders (3)
Spring  SPPA 321 Introduction to Audiology (3)
Spring   Core or general elective

Third Year

Term Course Code Course Title
Fall SPPA 341 or 306 Clinical Audiology (3) or Neur & Func Dis Sp & Lang
Fall SPPA 313 Speech Science (3)
Fall SPPA 304 Language Disorders in Children (3)
Fall   Remaining Category A or Category B Requirement
Fall or Spring   Elective in the major
Fall or Spring   Core or general elective
Spring SPPA 325 Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation (3)
Spring SPPA 416 Clinical Observation and Techniques (3)
Spring   Core or general elective
Spring   Core or general elective

Fourth Year

Term Course Code Course Title
Fall or Spring SPPA 417 Research Writing in Comm. Disorders (3) *

Fourth Year Recommended Electives (3 credits required)

Term Course Code Course Title
Fall or Spring SPPA 487 Clinical Practicum (3) (requires GPA of 3.5 or better, SPPA 416, space available basis)
    *Also meets core requirement