Resources for Faculty & Staff

Sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct has no place on our campus. Every Tiger should be able to live, work, study and participate in activities free from the fear of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct. Learn what you can do as a employee to help yourself and others end sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct on our campus.


When someone is subjected to sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct, they will be afforded all of the rights and protections that are guaranteed in the university's Policy on Sexual Harassment and Other Sexual Misconduct (06.01.60).

Submit a Title IX Report or a Sex-based Harassment Report

Submit a Report

Support and information on reporting options is available through the Employee Assistance Program, the Towson University Police Department and Human Resources.

Responsible Employees

As a university employee, you may learn of an incident of sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence or stalking. Your response is very important and may determine whether a victim/survivor chooses to tell anyone else or seek professional assistance.

University policy requires that as a responsible employee you immediately report the information that you have learned to the Title IX Coordinator. Do not initiate your own investigation. Even with the best intentions, doing so may exacerbate a situation or compromise an investigation. When approached by an individual in active disclosure, be sure to:

  • be clear about your role, your responsibility to report the information shared, and your ability to help
  • do not promise confidentiality; rather be prepared to offer the victim/survivor information about where they can report confidentially, should they prefer to do that. Confidential reporting can be made on campus to the Counseling CenterHealth Center staff and off campus resources TurnAround
  • notify the victim that he or she may request that the university refrain from initiating or conducting an investigation
  • inform the victim of their right to file a complaint with both law enforcement and the university, simultaneously
  • advise the victim that victim advocacy services, support, and information regarding reporting options are available from the Title IX Coordinator
  • listen, but do not investigate
  • promptly notify the Title IX Coordinator of the allegation within 48 hours of the report

The Title IX Coordinator is also available to answer any questions that you may have regarding your rights and responsibilities as a TU employee. You may reach them via email, , or by calling 410-704-0203.

Following a report or complaint of sexual misconduct, the university will:

  1. Inform the individual reporting the misconduct of the option to request confidentiality and available confidential advocacy, counseling, or other support services, including confidential resources; reporting options and the applicable processes; and the importance of preserving evidence and seeking medical attention
  2. Facilitate interim measures, when applicable
  3. Take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred. If the university determines that sexual misconduct created a hostile environment, the university will take appropriate steps to address the situation, regardless whether the reporting party, the reporting parties parent, or a third party files a formal complaint

Assisting the Accused

Individuals accused of policy violations are afforded the right to due process. Accused individuals may often reach out for guidance, advice or support. Serving as a resource for people accused of misconduct is a critical way that you can help ensure safety and respect for all parties involved. Resources for the accused include:

Recommended Statements

The Title IX Coordinator recommends the following statements be to clearly state your role as a responsible employee required to report disclosures of sex-based harassment and provide guidance to students on TU support resources.

Syllabus Statement

Towson University (TU) is committed to ensuring a safe, productive learning environment on our campus that does not tolerate sexual misconduct, including harassment, stalking, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, or intimate partner violence [Policy 06.01.60]. It is important for you to know that there are resources available if you or someone you know needs assistance. You may speak to a member of university administration, faculty, or staff, but keep in mind that they have an obligation to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. It is a goal that you feel able to share information related to your life experiences in classroom discussions and in one‐on‐one meetings. However, it is required to share information with the Title IX Coordinator regarding disclosures, but know that the information will be kept private to the greatest extent possible. If you want to speak to someone who is permitted to keep your disclosure confidential, please seek assistance from the TU Counseling Center 410‐704‐2512 to schedule an appointment, and locally within the community at TurnAround, Inc., 443‐279‐0379 (24‐hour hotline) or 410‐377‐8111 to schedule an appointment. For more information, please consult TU policies at

Application Statement

What if I disclose sexual misconduct or child abuse/neglect in my application? Title IX requires that disclosures of sexual misconduct to any University Responsible Employee be reported to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator’s office will reach out to provide resources and information. More information can be found Maryland law requires that disclosures of child abuse or neglect be reported to our Towson University Police Department. More information on the process and procedures can be found

Community Resources

Provides trained advocates for Baltimore County and Baltimore City that offer emotional, medical, and legal support and information 24-hours a day. They are a local organization that provides free and confidential immediate and ongoing counseling and advocacy for anyone impacted by sexual violence, including friends and family of victims/survivors. Get Help

Phone: 443-279-0379 24hr Hotline or 410-377-8111 to schedule an appointment

Provides trained advocates for Harford County that offer victims, potential victims, and survivors of domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse and stalking. All of SARC’s services are offered in a confidential environment of trust and includes domestic violence program, sexual violence program, legal advocacy program, bed shelter, community outreach and education services and 24-hour helpline. Get Help

Phone 410-836-8430

Victim Assistance and Sexual Assault Program provides trained advocates for Montgomery County that offer victims information and referral, advocacy, crisis and ongoing counseling, support and compensation services for victims of crimes committed in Montgomery Country or who live in Montgomery County. Assistance is also provided to the victims’ families and significant others.

Phone: 240-777-4357 24-hr crisis line or 240-777-1355 weekdays

Is a private, non-profit agency providing the citizens of Charles County with crisis and on-going professional counseling; support services and emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse. Get Help

Phone: 301-645-3336 24-Hour Hotline or 301-645-8994


Baltimore County Police define sexual violence crimes by Maryland law. Maryland law has different definitions of sexual violence than TU. Criminal cases in a court of law also use a beyond a reasonable doubt standard to determine if a law was broke.

Phone: 911


Provides free SAFE exams (sexual assault forensic evidence) that collects and preserves DNA evidence after a sexual assault. The evidence could be used if criminal charges are pursued. SAFE exams are available 24 hours, every day of the year. The exams are conducted at 6701 N. Charles Street Towson, MD.

Phone: 443-849-3323


Provides free SAFE exams (sexual assault forensic evidence) that collects and preserves DNA evidence after a sexual assault. The evidence could be used if criminal charges are pursued. Located at 345 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD.

Phone: 410-332-9477

Provides free civil legal assistance to low-income individuals throughout the state of Maryland. This includes residents of rural and urban settings, disabled persons, children, seniors, farm workers and those at risk of losing housing, custody, health and income maintenance.

Phone: 410-951-7777


Research free and low-cost legal service providers in Maryland


Provides defense counsel to persons who cannot afford a private attorney

Phone: 410-767-8460

State and National Resources

Operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline. Carries out programs to prevent sexual violence and help victims. Get Help

Phone: 1-800-656-4673

Highly trained advocates are available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship. Get Help

Phone: 1-800-799-7233


The coalition focuses on public policy, education activities, community outreach and technical assistance and legal services. Get Information

Phone: 301-328-7023


A program of MCASA that provides direct legal services for victims and survivors of sexual violence. Get Information

Phone: 301-565-2277

The coalition does not provide direct services, but have a referral site for other resources covering a wide variety or needs. Get Information

The NSVRC does not provide direct services to sexual assault victims but rather supports those who do, such as coalitions, rape crisis centers, national, state and local agencies and allied programs.

Provides multiple services including: training, technical assistance, website and an information clearinghouse. The Stalking Resource Center provides direct assistance to build the capacity of criminal justice and victim services organizations to respond effectively to stalking.