Faculty & Staff

Full-time Faculty

Faculty in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences are committed to excellence in teaching and providing students with expert guidance and advising.  With many having been awarded research grants from federal, state and corporate agencies, faculty specialize in a wide array of the latest technologies and bring those technologies into classroom and laboratory settings for our students. The department’s adjunct faculty are highly motivated and active in business and industry. We emphasize quality in education which includes solid theoretical foundations and the latest technological developments.

Name & Title Expertise Contact Information

Alkharouf, Nadim

Professor & MB3 Undergraduate Director

Bioinformatics, Design and Development of Database Management Systems and Data Mining Tools

(410) 704-3149


Brown, Cheryl Thomas

Lecturer III & Program Director M.S. Applied Information Technology

Sociological Effects of Computerization, Management/End-User Liaison, Systems Analysis, Database Management and Operating Systems

(410) 704-4966


Chakraborty, Joyram

Professor and Program Director B.S. Information Technology

Human-Computer Interaction, Medical Informatics, Computer Game Design

(410) 704-2109


Chakraborty, Suranjan

Professor and Director School of Emerging Technologies

Requirements Engineering, Distributed Information Systems Development Teams, Qualitative Research Methods, Human Computer Interaction

(410) 704-4769


Conover, Adam

Clinical Associate Professor

Programming Language Paradigms, Functional, Object-Oriented, and Logic/Declarative Programming, Embedded Systems and Microcontrollers, "Retro Computing" systems.

(410) 704-4782


Dehlinger, Josh


Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Software Analysis and Design, Programming Languages

(410) 704-4536


Deng, Lin

Associate Professor

Software Engineering, Software Testing, Mobile and Web Application Development, Cybersecurity, Mutation Analysis, Crowdsourcing


(410) 704-2894


Dierbach, Charles

Associate Professor and & Interim Program Director B.S. Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence (Analogical Reasoning), Object-Oriented Design and Development, Computer Education

(410) 704-3552


Downing-Harris, Terry


Software Engineering, Systems Analyst, Information Technology, Information Systems, Database Management System development, IT Management, Programming Languages

(410) 704-4662


Eyer, Robert

Lecturer III

Bare Machine Computing, Network Security, Encryption Algorithms

(410) 704-2428


Feng, Heidi

Professor & Program Director B.S. Information Systems

Human-Computer Interaction, Accessible Computing, Health Informatics, Accessible Security Solutions

(410) 704-3463


Guo, Yifan

Assistant Professor

Privacy and Security Issues in Federated Learning, Trustworthy Deep Learning, Edge Intelligence, AI for Cybersecurity Applications



Hilberg, Scott

Clinical Professor

ICT Fluency, Information Technology Management, Technology Education and Software Development

(410) 704-5277


Hong, Sungchul

Associate Professor

Auction Market Mechanism, e-Commerce, Intelligent Agents, Data Classification

(410) 704-6338


Hornberger, Alex



(410) 704-2633


Huang, Xin

Assistant Professor

AI, Climate Informatics, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Big Data Analytics, Earth Informatics, Medical Image (data) Analytics, Cybersecurity Informatics

(410) 704-4771


Irani, Jal

Lecturer II

NLP/Computational Linguistics, Blockchain, Mobile Application Development, Entrepreneurship in Computer Science

(410) 704-2835


Jung, Woosub

Assistant Professor

Ubiquitous and Mobile Computing, IoT (Internet of Things) System Design, Smart Health Applications

(410) 704-4518


Kaza, Sidd

Professor, Associate Provost for Research & Dean of Graduate Studies

Cybersecurity Education, Data/Web Mining, Learning Sciences, Web and Mobile Application Development

(410) 704-3701


Kelleher, Tina

Lecturer III


(410) 704-3951


Kim, Yanggon


Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Communications, Computer Graphics, High-Performance Computing Systems

(410) 704-3782


Lalouani, Wassila

Assistant Professor

Machine Learning, Network Privacy, Cybersecurity, Telehealth Systems, Cyber Physical System Security, and Distributed Systems.

(410) 704-6310


Li, Qingqing

Assistant Professor

ML/DL and their Applications, Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Mobile Security

(410) 704-4532


Liao, Weixian

Associate Professor

Big data analytics, cybersecurity, and networking in cyber physical systems and IoT

(410) 704-2774


Loksa, Dastyni

Assistant Professor

Computer Science Education, Human-Computer Interaction



Lu, Chao


Digital Signal Processing, Algorithm Design and Implementation, FFTs, Parallel and Vector Computing, Computer Vision and Image Processing

(410) 704-3950


Mallik, Anik

Assistant Professor

Energy measurement of AI applications, QoS improvements of AI, Wireless communication and networks, Experimental research on edge computing with physical testbed

(410) 704-4770


Maradapu Vera Venkata Sai, Akshita

Assistant Professor

Digital Twin Networks, Privacy Aware Computing, Location Based Services, Mobile Crowd-Sensing, Mobile Edge Systems

(410) 704-2154


McGuire, Michael

Professor & Department Chairperson

Spatio-Temporal Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Sensor Database Systems, Distributed Databases, Environmental Informatics, Information Visualization

(410) 704-2337


Nguyen, Nam


Social Network Analysis, Social-aware Mobile Computing, Data Mining, and Cyber Security

(410) 704-3089


O'Leary, Michael

Professor (Joint Appointment with Mathematics)

Mathematical Algorithms for Geographic Profiling, Cybersecurity

(410) 704-4757


Orabi, Hashim


VLSI Testing and Design for Testability, Computer Networks, Network Management Systems

(410) 704-2981


Pak, Jinie

Clinical Associate Professor

Intelligence and Security Informatics, Social Network Analysis, Computational Linguistics, Computer Supported Cooperative Works (CSCW), Human-Computer Interaction

(410) 704-3873


Rezwana, Jeba

Assistant Professor

Human-Computer Interaction, Human-AI Co-Creation, Ethical Human-Centered AI, Interaction Design

(410) 704-4533


Saeedloei, Neda

Assistant Professor

Formal Methods; Model-based Design, Specification and Verification of Cyber-physical Systems, Models of Computation, Logic in Computer Science

(410) 704-2255


Sajid, Md Sajidul Islam

Assistant Professor

System Security, Malware Analysis, Cyber Deception and Orchestration, ML/DL for Cybersecurity (malware detection and classification), Threat Hunting

(410) 704-4535


Sanders, Willie

Clinical Assistant Professor

Systems Administration, Forensics 



Song, Yeong-Tae


Program Slicing, Software Impact Analysis, Software Architecture, Enterprise Architecture, e-Learning Systems, Health Informatics

(410) 704-3557


Tang, Katherine

Associate Professor, Director M.S. Computer Science

Multimedia, Comp Graphics and Vision, Comp Animation and Gaming, Machine Learning, Human-Comp Interaction, Virtual Reality and Virtual Environment

(410) 704-3090


Tavakolan, Mona

Clinical Assistant Professor

Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Computer Networks, Design and Development of Database Management Systems

(410) 704-4781


Taylor, Blair

Professor,  Director of TU Center for Interdisiplinary and Innovative Cybersecurity

Software Security, Secure Coding, Security Education

(410) 704-4560


Wang, Kathy

Associate Professor & Assistant Chairperson

Group Decision Support System, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Knowledge Management, System Analysis and Design, Software Engineering, Asynchronous Learning Network, e-Commerce

(410) 704-2104


Wijesinha, Alexander


Computer Networks, Wireless Networks, Network Aspects of Bare Machine Computing, Network Security, Network Performance

(410) 704-4660


Yu, Wei

Professor, Director of Doctoral Program

Cyber Security, Computer Networks and Cyber-Physical Systems

(410) 704-5528


Zahran, Bassam

Clinical Assistant Professor

IT/OT Convergence Threat Analysis, Cyber Operations, Cyber AI

(410) 704-6228


Zimand, Iliana

Lecturer II

Programming Languages, Algorithms, Databases

(410 704-4666


Zimand, Marius


Computational Complexity, Algorithms, Cryptography

(410) 704-4967



Full-time Staff

Name & Title Contact Information
Angela McDermott
Department Coordinator

(410) 704-3788

YR 461

Jennifer Brown
Administrative Assistant II

(410) 704-5044

YR 406A

Heather L. Bohle
Academic Services Manager

(410) 704-2757

YR 206B

Nichole Mason
Academic Advising Specialist

(410) 704-6178

YR 206D

Timothy Schneider
Degree Advising Specialist

(410) 704-4918

YR 206E

Michelle Bowman
Graduate Program Coordinator

(410) 704-4309

YR 206C

Bruce Laws
Career Advising Specialist

(410) 704-6228


YR 206A

Samuel Peacock
Lab Systems Administrator

(410) 704-3177

YR 206G

Justin Stern
IT Lab Coordinator

(410) 704-2280

YR 206H

Kyle Cummings
Computer Resources Manager

(410) 704-2424

YR 414


Faculty Emeriti

Name and  Education Expertise

Behforooz, Ali

Ph.D., Michigan State University

Software Engineering,
Software Project Management,
Software Metrics,
Object-Oriented Design and
Development, Compiler Design,
Programming Languages

Davani, Darush

Ph.D., George Washington University

Mathematical Modeling, Computer Simulation, Robotics, Earthquake Engineering

Dudley, Alfreda

Ph.D., University of Maryland, Baltimore County

CyberEthics, CyberLaw and Databases

Graves, Bud

Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University

Artificial Intelligence,
Modeling, Simulation

Hammell, Robert

Ph.D., Computer Science

Fuzzy logic, decision support systems, project management, artificial intelligence, machine learning

Karne, Ramesh

Ph.D., George Mason University

Bare Machine Computing Applications and Architectures; Transformation of OS Based Applications to Bare Machine Computing Applications; Design, Implementation and Performance Analysis of Server Systems, Gateways, Routers, Network Clients, Browser and other Network Elements

Lidtke, Doris

Ph.D., University of Oregon

Programming Languages,
Software Engineering,
Social and Ethical Issues,
Computer Science Education

Meiselwitz, Gabriele

Ed.D., Towson University

Computer Science and Creativity, Information Security, Information Systems

Schmitt, Jeff

M.S., Vanderbilt University

Computer Graphics,
Programming Languages,
Computer Networks

Srivastava, Rajeshwar

Ph.D., University of Idaho

Data Communications,
Neural Nets, Microcomputer Interfacing, Process Control, Artificial Intelligence