
Yearly Deadline: February 1st

New Student Application

Application must be submitted online using the Online Application Tool.

The following forms may be required by the Online Application Tool:

  1. DoD New Student Application
  2. Official Transcripts (from TU and prior institutions)
  3. Resume in the required template
  4. Awards and Recognitions
  5. Two letters of recommendation
  6. Statement of Purpose and/or Competency


  • The Online Application Tool may require extra application forms than what are listed in the above table.
  • Items #2 and #5 should be obtained as soon as possible.
  • Official transcripts should be issued and certified by Towson University and/or by prior institutions. Unofficial transcripts may not be accepted by the DoD.

Returning Student Application

The following items must be included in the electronic application for returning students in the DoD CSA Program. Applications that do not meet the following requirements shall not be considered and/or submitted to the DoD for evaluation.

  1. DoD Returning student application.
  2. Update resume (in the DoD recommended template)
  3. Official transcript issued by TU.

Important Notes

01: The DoD Returning student application must be filled-in completely with applicant name, initials, and signature. The applicant is recommended to sign this form in blue ink. 

Electronic Submission Guidelines

  • Please email your submission to the PI(s) 
  • Submit each item in a separated PDF file with their number, title and your last name, e.g., 01_Returning_Student_Application_Smith, 02_Updated_Resume_Smith, etc. for student with last name Smith.