Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Program (PDF) oversees all uses of radioactive materials and radiation-producing devices in teaching and research laboratories on campus. Our goal is to assure the safety of faculty, staff and students who might be exposed to radiation in the course of their work. We do this by following the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in their "as low as reasonably achievable" concept, and by coordinating and maintaining compliance of the university's NRC/State Radioactive Material License.

We are available to help departments maintain radiation safety by reviewing and approving the use of radioactive materials or radiation-producing devices; surveying laboratories where radioisotopes are used; administering the personal dosimetry program; maintaining survey instrument calibration; providing training on the safe use and handling of radioisotopes for research; maintaining the inventory and control of radioisotopes on campus including the receipt, delivery, transport and disposal of all radioactive material; and providing guidance on the safe use of x-rays, lasers and microwave devices.