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Find Out MoreResNet is the residential network which provides wired and wireless Internet and TV service to most of TU's residence halls.
The OTS Technology Support Desk provides ResNet service and support to students and staff in the following residence halls:
For assistance, contact the Tech Support Desk at 410-704-5151 or stop by the Tech Service Desk on the first floor of Cook Library.
Service calls to student rooms are performed when necessary. These calls are arranged through the Tech Support Desk and are conducted by the ResNet Services Coordinator and student assistants.
Apogee (1-855-241-1590 or myresnet.com), not the university, provides Internet and cable television service and support to students in the following residence halls:
Wired network service for residence staff in the three facilities above is provided by the university and supported by the OTS Tech Support Desk.
You can plug most devices into our wired network, with the exception of routers. Most rooms have network (Ethernet) ports. In rooms where there isn’t one port per bed, a switch is provided so you can plug multiple devices into our network.
Most rooms have at least one available port, but not all rooms have switches for sharing that port among multiple devices. Search the lower third of the wall space throughout your entire room. Look behind furniture, too. If you still can't find it, call the OTS Tech Support Desk at 410-704-5151.
A switch allows multiple computers/devices to connect to a single active wall port without affecting network speed. The lights on the switch indicate that it is getting power and that it is active on the network.
Not really. Just make sure it remains plugged into the nearby electrical outlet and take care not to damage it when moving furniture or living actively. Never use a different AC adapter to connect your switch to the electrical outlet.
The University Store in the University Union sells network cables, as do many consumer electronics and office supply stores in the Towson area.
You can access the tu-openaccess and tu-secure wireless networks from anywhere on campus, including your room. If you have problems, contact the OTS Technology Support Desk at 410-704-5151.
Visitors can use the tu-openaccess network without having to log in.
Students are not permitted to set-up and operate their own wireless routers in the residence halls. Contact the OTS Technology Support Desk at 410-704-5151 and we'll evaluate your room for possible upgrades.
Simply plug your game console directly into the ResNet. The server will automatically recognize and adapt to your device. Or, configure your wireless console to connect to the tu-openaccess network.
Yes. You may not connect a wired or wireless router to the ResNet. OTS reserves the right to review other devices on a case-by-case basis to insure that they do not cause problems on the ResNet.
An additional switch may be connected to the existing switch mounted to your wall in order to increase the number of available ports; however, it is a good idea to use the same type of switch. The university will provide the additional switch in these cases. Direct your request to the OTS Technology Support Desk.
You bet they will. We strongly discourage the use of peer-to-peer file sharing programs.
They can introduce viruses, spyware and adware to your computer. Towson University
is required to act on any copyright violations brought to our attention.
Not per se. As you might expect, OTS keeps an eye out for conditions that typically indicate malware attacks or illegal access. When such conditions arise, we do take a closer look in an effort to understand the causes and protect other users on the ResNet. If we identify a particular computer or floor as the source of a problem, we will block the device and attempt to contact affected users with advice on resolving the problem. Occasionally, OTS receives notification from official sources concerning illegal downloading and sharing of copyrighted media files. In such cases, we are required to take steps to identify the users involved and prevent further infringement.
The University regularly receives official complaints from copyright holders reporting violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. In such cases, the University is legally bound to take action against offenders. For more information, consult the TU Copyright Awareness page. We recommend that anyone receiving a violation notice visit OTS Technology Support Desk with their laptop, so we can assist in verifying that no copyrighted materials are being shared.
In 2013, Towson University began using OpenDNS services, which hecks your URLs against a comprehensive database of known malware, phishing and bot-net domains. Also, when the University discovers websites that are designed to steal your NetID and password, we use this service to block them. If your computer tries to connect to one of these high-risk locations, OpenDNS will notify you.