Right Column Region Elements

The snippets listed here should be used only in the right column region.

Three snippets are designed for the right column region. Content must be placed within one of these snippets. It should not be added to the right column as plain text. 

Limit the number of design snippets in the right column region to three. Use only one of each type of snippet on a page. 

These snippets display on the right side of the web page in desktop view, but in mobile they display below the main content region.

Sidebar Related Links

The Sidebar Related Links snippet provides the option to add a list of links to the right sidebar region directly below the website navigation.

Flexible Bordered Sidebar Block Callout

The Flexible Bordered Sidebar Block Callout snippet is a text-only callout that requires a link.

Flexible Sidebar Block Callout

The Flexible Sidebar Block Callout snippet provides a way to add a photo, hyperlink, a title and 4-5 lines of text.