Faculty News & Accomplishments
In addition to teaching, the faculty in the Department of Mass Communication author publications, present at conferences, and receive grants and awards. Here are our most recent accomplishments.

Beth Haller
Haller, B., Powers, E. (2017) Journalism and Mass Communication Textbook Representations of Verbal Media Skills: Implications for Students with Speech Disabilities. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 9 (2), 58-75n 1

Hyang-Sook Kim
Kim, Hyang-Sook & Chung, M-Y. (Accepted for publication). It matters who shares and who reads: Persuasive outcomes of location check-ins on Facebook. International Journal of Mobile Communications.

Kwangmi Kim
Han, Youngsub, Hong, Beomseok & Kim, Kwangmi. (2017). How do we tweet? The comparative analysis of Twitter usage patterns by message types, sources, and device. Journal of Social Media in Society, 6 (1), 189-219.

Kyongseok Kim
Kim, Kyongseok & Kim, Hyang-Sook (forthcoming). Time matters: Framing anti-smoking messages using current smokers'
preexisting perceptions of temporal distance to smoking-related health risks. Health Communication.
Kim, Kyongseok and Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn (Forthcoming). “Rewards That Undermine Customer Loyalty? A
Motivational Approach to Loyalty Programs,” Psychology & Marketing (JCR 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.154).

Jung-Sook Lee
Chang, Hua. Zhang, Lingling, Lee, Jung-Sook. (2018). Not all organic food is created equal: The role of product type, perceived authenticity, and construal level. Journal of Marketing Communication. DOI:10.1080/13527266.2018.1468350
Lee, Jung-Sook (2016). “Racial disparities in food advertising in the U.S.” International Journal of Communication & Health, 9, 41-54.

Elia Powers
Powers, E. (2017). My News Feed is filtered? Awareness of news personalization among college students. Digital Journalism (Ahead of print).
Powers, E. Haller, B. (2017) Journalism and Mass Communication Textbook Representations of Verbal Media Skills:
Implications for Students with Speech Disabilities. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 9 (2), 58-75

Stacy Spaulding
Spaulding, Stacy (2017) (Accepted for publication). “The Intellectual Eater: The Regional Food Editorial of H.L. Mencken.” Journalism History.
Conference Presentations

E. Soo Rhee
Kim, Hyang-Sook & Rhee, E. Soo (2017, May). Coping for me and matching for us: Social support sharing among postpartum mothers on Facebook. Health Communication Division at the annual conference of the International Communication Association.

Kyongseok Kim
Kim, Kyongseok & Kim, Hyang-Sook (2017, May). Time matters: Framing anti-smoking messages using current smokers' preexisting perceptions of temporal distance to smoking-related health risks. Health Communication Division at the annual conference of the International Communication Association.

Lingling Zhang
Lee, Jung-Sook, Zhang, Lingling, & Chang, Hua (2017). “Are ‘my celebrities’ exemplary and ‘others’ celebrities’ flawed? Third-person perception in celebrity endorsement.” Presented at the International Communication Association.

Stacy Spaulding
Spaulding, Stacy (2017, March). “The Intellectual Eater: The Regional Food Editorial of H.L. Mencken.” Presented at the 2017 Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference.

Jung-Sook Lee
Lee, Jung-Sook., Chang, Hua., and Zhang, Lingling (2018). Integrated model of congruence and source credibility in celebrity endorsement. A peer-reviewed full paper. Presented at the 2018 International Communication Association annual conference. Prague, Czech Republic.
Awards and Grants

Recipient of the annual University Diversity & Inclusion Award-Research, for her research on media representation of disability. Beth will be recognized at the award ceremony during Celebration of Excellence: Service Awards Breakfast and Ceremony on May 10, 2017. Beth will also receive a $500 award.

Barbara Benitez-Curry
Selected as Diversity Faculty Fellow for 2017-18 academic year. Barbara will be awarded $1,500 stipend with an opportunity to apply for an additional $750 to support her project.

Hyang-Sook Kim
Kim, Hyang-Sook, has been awarded $1,200 summer stipend from the Office of Academic Innovation (FACET) to convert MCOM 605 Communication Theory to an online format and offer it in fall 2017.

Selected as a 2017 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows, Office of Civic Engagement & Leadership.