Course Registration
Information for Fall 2025
Music Department courses, lessons, and ensembles requiring department consent must
be listed on the Request for Authorization Form.
Students will not be authorized for music courses until they meet with their advisor.
Advisors will forward the advising verification form, the Request for Authorization
Form, and if applicable, Recital Authorization Form to musicadvising AT_TOWSON
It is the advisor’s responsibility to lift a student’s advising hold and/or Degree
Completion Plan hold after students meet with him/her. Students must contact their
advisor if he or she failed to do so.
It is the student’s responsibility to enroll in the courses – this system only allows
the Music Office to authorize students to register for Department of Music courses,
ensembles, lessons, and degree recitals. PLEASE ADHERE TO ALL ENROLLMENT DEADLINES
FOR LESSONS – If a student wishes to enroll in a 50-minute lesson, he or she must
manually enter “2” under the units tab. If the student fails to do so, the system
defaults at one unit. Remember, students are authorized for lessons, NOT the number
of units – it is the student’s responsibility to sign up for the correct number of
If students are giving their student degree recital, they must enroll in the proper
course in order to earn the credit needed to graduate. Music Education majors are
not required to perform a senior recital but may request to do so by contacting and
Dr. Terry Ewell (tewell AT_TOWSON) and Dr. Alicia Mueller (aamueller AT_TOWSON). The student must have permission from his or her applied instructor before submitting
their formal request to Drs. Ewell and Mueller.
Seats for department consent courses are given out on a “first come, first serve”
basis (with the exceptions noted below). Although seats may appear to be available
online, the course may not be open. The Music Office assigns “seats” based on the
enrollment capacity for the course and students may not always register the same day
they have been authorized. There may be instances where upper classmen will be given
priority for seats in a class (based on graduation needs, being shut out of a course
previously, etc.).
Students are expected to show regular progress completing required courses in the
areas of theory, musicianship, music history, methods, lessons and ensembles. NO
MORE than 3 MUSC, MUED, or MUSA courses may be repeated. NO MORE than one of these
courses may be repeated a second time after an approved petition to the department
chair and/or chair of the advising committee.
Prerequisites for courses will be checked. Additionally, the department considers
any prior registration in a MUSC or MUED course when issuing “seats.” Priority to register for a required course will be given to those who have NOT yet
attempted the course. If a student remains registered for a MUSC or MUED course after the end of the university’s
official change of schedule period and is attempting a third registration, authorization
will be issued on a space-available basis ONLY after all other students have requested
a seat.
Ensembles require department consent (exception – Choral Society & Marching Band).
You are limited to a maximum of 3 ensembles per semester. If you are interested in one of the chamber ensembles, improvisation ensembles,
combos, Latin Jazz Ensemble or Vocal Jazz Ensemble, be sure to include the correct
level and section on the Request for Authorization form as well as confirmation from
the applicable faculty that you have been assigned to that ensemble before you submit
it to your advisor.
After Mary Ann authorizes a student, she will notify the student and/or the advisor
by email. STUDENTS PLEASE DO NOT send emails to Mary Ann asking why you cannot enroll
in a course. The reason(s) will be included in the email Mary Ann will send to you
and/or your advisor.
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- Things to Remember for Fall 2025 Undergraduate Registration (contains the information listed above) (PDF)
- Advising Responsibilities (PDF)
- Fall 2025 Deadlines (PDF)
- Music Course Request Form (PDF)
- Recital Authorization Form (PDF)
- Student Degree Recital Reservation Form (PDF)
- Request for Off-Campus Student Recital (PDF)
- Undergraduate Music Major/Minor Advising Document Checklist (PDF)
- Fall 2025 Procedures and Deadlines for Music Enrollment (PDF)
- Reminders for Fall 2025 Undergraduate Registration (PDF) **NEW**
- Where Are Forms for Fall 2025 Registration Located? (PDF)
- New Core Curriculum (PDF)
- Music History and Culture Division 400-Level Course Offerings for Fall 2025 (PDF)