Faculty & Staff
Full-time Faculty
Name and Title | Interests | Contact Information |
Dr. Vanessa Beauchamp |
Plant community ecology; wetland ecology |
Dr. Alice Besterman |
410-704-3127 |
Dr. Harald Beck |
Mammal-plant Interactions, tropical Ecology |
Dr. Mark Bulmer |
Molecular ecology of termites and their symbionts and pathogens |
Dr. Daniel Caetano |
Science Complex 5150F |
Dr. Daniela Chavez |
410-704-2373 |
Professor Philip Clark |
Science Complex 5150M |
Professor Angela Cox |
Dr. Renée Dickie |
Vascular biology and tissue growth, repair and regeneration in vertebrates |
Dr. Jacqueline Doyle |
Conservation genetics and population genomics |
Dr. Anne Estes
Associate Professor |
Host-microbe interactions, symbioses, genomics, science communication |
Dr. Elana Ehrlich Professor | Modulation of cellular processes by viruses |
Professor Stella Evans
Lecturer |
Science Complex 5150Q |
Dr. Brian Fath
Professor |
Systems ecology, network analysis, sustainability, environmental assessment |
Dr. Laura Gough |
Plant ecology |
Dr. Sarah Haines Professor |
Science education and environmental education | shaines AT_TOWSON 410-704-2926 Science Complex 3101K |
Dr. Erin Harberts
Assistant Professor |
eharberts AT_TOWSON 410-704-2623 Science Complex 5150A |
Dr. David Hearn Professor |
Evolutionary, developmental, and ecological processes responsible for land plant diversity |
Science Complex 4101C |
Dr. Matthew Hemm Associate Professor |
Identification and characterization of small proteins | mhemm AT_TOWSON Science Complex 5101B |
Dr. Iskander Ibrahim |
410-704-2766 |
Dr. Steve Kimble |
Population genetics, wildlife disease, herpetology | skimble AT_TOWSON 410-704-2691 Science Complex 4150B |
Professor Kate Kosewicz Lecturer |
kkosewicz AT_TOWSON Science Complex 3101P |
Professor Reagan Lake Lecturer |
Science Complex 4150K |
Dr. John LaPolla Associate Chair & Professor |
Systematics and taxonomy of ants | jlapolla AT_TOWSON 410-704-3121 Science Complex 3101E |
Dr. Sarah Longo
Assistant Professor |
slongo AT_TOWSON 410-704-3012 Science Complex 3101H |
Dr. Laura Martin Lecturer |
Neurophysiology | lmartin AT_TOWSON Science Complex 5150K |
Dr. Brian Masters Professor |
Molecular ecology |
Dr. Kathryn E. McDougal |
Human genetics and molecular biology |
kmcdougal AT_TOWSON 410-704-4166 Science Complex 4101E |
Dr. Jay Nelson Professor |
Evolutionary physiology and physiological ecology of fishes | jnelson AT_TOWSON 410-704-3945 Science Complex 3109 |
Dr. Alexis Nobleman |
Science Complex 4150R |
Dr. Leann Norman
Lecturer |
lnorman AT_TOWSON 410-704-2587 Science Complex 3101P |
Dr. Matthew Nugent |
Cell Biology & Biochemistry |
410-704-2121 |
Dr. Elizabeth O'Hare Clinical Associate Professor |
General biology; Genetics (molecular and developmental) | eohare AT_TOWSON 410-704-3367 Science Complex 5150D |
Dr. Chris Oufiero |
Evolutionary physiology, sexual selection, functional morphology | coufiero AT_TOWSON 410-704-3743 Science Complex 3101G |
Professor Christa Partain, MS
Lecturer |
Plant Ecology, Horticulture | cpartain AT_TOWSON 410-704-4167 Science Complex 3101L |
Dr. Wilbur (Will) Ryan Assistant Professor |
410-704-4586 |
Dr. Christopher Salice
Professor |
Applied ecology, ecotoxicology, population dynamics |
csalice AT_TOWSON 410-704-4920 Science Complex 5301A |
Professor Charlotte Saylor Lecturer |
csaylor AT_TOWSON Science Complex 5150Q |
Dr. Katherine Sayers |
Neuropharmacology |
ksayers AT_TOWSON 410-704-3041 Science Complex 5150N |
Professor Catherine Scollick |
Science Complex 3101L |
Dr. Jack Shepard Assistant Chairperson & Associate Professor |
Neurobiology of the stress response |
jshepard AT_TOWSON 410-704-2394 Science Complex 5101C |
Dr. Vonnie Shields Professor |
Anatomy and physiology of gustatory and olfactory sense organs | vshields AT_TOWSON 410-704-3130 Science Complex 4109 |
Dr. Erik Silldorff |
Hormonal control of capillary blood flow in the mammalian kidney | esilldorff AT_TOWSON Science Complex 5150J |
Dr. Michelle Snyder Professor |
The slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum as a model for immune cell function | msnyder AT_TOWSON 410-704-4817 Science Complex 5101D |
Dr. Kishana Taylor Assistant Professor |
410-704-5020 |
Dr. Peko Tsuji |
Colon Cancer, Microbiome, Disease Prevention, Selenium, Sulforaphane |
410-704-4117 |
Professor Cheryl Warren |
cwarren AT_TOWSON 410-704-3815 Science Complex 5101E |
Dr. Faith Weeks |
The role of insects in science education; influence of color on people's perceptions of arthropods |
Science Complex 3101J |
Dr. John (Jed) Weldon Associate Professor |
Control of translation by bacterial toxins; toxin conjugates as cancer therapeutics |
jweldon AT_TOWSON 410-704-3191 Science Complex 5101K |
Ms. Cathy Wijnands Lecturer |
Anatomy and Physiology |
cwijnands AT_TOWSON Science Complex 4150R |
Dr. Laurie Williams-Hogarth |
Developmental neurobiology |
lwilliamshogarth AT_TOWSON 410-704-4816 Science Complex 5150H |
Dr. Colleen Winters Associate Professor | Population ecology of tortoises |
cwinters AT_TOWSON 410-704-3124 Science Complex 5150E |
Adjunct Faculty
Eirika Abbey | edabbey AT_TOWSON |
Carolyn Dabirsiaghi | CDabirsiaghi AT_TOWSON |
Mickey Dehn | mdehn AT_TOWSON |
Bruno Franco | bfranco AT_TOWSON |
Pam Healey | phealey AT_TOWSON |
Stephen Page | spage AT_TOWSON |
Ekaterina Titova | etitova AT_TOWSON |
Jason Wong | jwong AT_TOWSON |
Jelani Zarif | jzarif AT_TOWSON |
Emeritus Faculty
Name | Interests | Contact |
Dr. Sarah Bruce |
Effect of the 'flipped' teaching approach in introductory science courses on content retention and development of critical thinking skills; scientific and technical writing |
sbruce AT_TOWSON |
Dr. Susannah Feldman |
sfeldman AT_TOWSON | |
Dr. Don C. Forester |
Herpetology; behavioral ecology | dforester AT_TOWSON |
Dr. Cindy Ghent |
Science education |
Dr. Susan Gresens |
Aquatic ecology | sgresens AT_TOWSON |
Dr. James Hull |
Physiological plant ecology, plant environment interactions, plant distributions |
jhull AT_TOWSON |
Dr. L. Scott Johnson |
Behavior and biology of birds | sjohnson AT_TOWSON |
Dr. Barry Margulies |
Better long-term therapy for herpes virus infections | bmargulies AT_TOWSON |
Dr. Gerald Robinson |
Comparative physiology of animals | grobinson AT_TOWSON |
Dr. Aubrey Scarbrough |
ascarbrough AT_TOWSON | |
Dr. Erik Scully |
Bioassay techniques for hermatypic corals; dynamics of animal aggregations |
escully AT_TOWSON |
Dr. Richard Seigel |
Evolutionary ecology and conservation biology of amphibians and reptiles |
rseigel AT_TOWSON |
Dr. Larry Wimmers |
Membrane transport in plants and plant response to environmental stress |
410-704-5749 |
Dr. Jane Wolfson |
Plant-insect interactions in agricultural systems |
410-704-3352 |
Name | Contact |
Sarah Grue |
sgrue AT_TOWSON |
Brandi Mayo |
bmayo AT_TOWSON |
Jennifer L. Scott |
jlscott AT_TOWSON |
Pam Healey |
phealey AT_TOWSON
410-704-4026 |
Jorge Gomezjurado |
jgomezjurado AT_TOWSON 410-704-5019 |
Hannah Berry |
hberry AT_TOWSON 410-704-4109 |
Marrisia Moore |
marrisiamoore AT_TOWSON 410-704-4109 |