Parking & Transportation Services
We provide a wide range of parking and sustainable transportation services for students, faculty, staff and visitors. Parking & Transportation will be open for office hours; M - F, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m during academic year.
Enter the eParking Portal to purchase permits for 2024/2025 academic year, pay citations, update your vehicle, and more.
Access the portalFaculty, Staff and Students (eParking)
There are several permit options for faculty, staff and students with 30 credit units or more. Select Student Parking or Faculty & Staff Parking and follow the easy steps to buy a permit. You will need your TU NetID and password to login to your eParking account. After purchasing your permit, carefully read the permit purchase letter you will receive via email. It will provide specific information regarding your permit type and other important details.
Freshman Students
Any student with less than 30 units is considered a freshman. Freshman commuter students may purchase Overflow or Evening parking permits. Freshman resident students are not permitted to purchase a permit or have a vehicle on campus.
Visitor Parking
Paystations have been discontinued and are no longer available for visitor parking throughout campus. Visitor permits can be purchased using the ParkMobile app. TU uses a pay-by-plate system for virtual visitor permits that are verified by license plate. For more information, refer to this TU Today Announcement.
Effective July 1, 2024, Parking Services will transition from ParkMobile Reservation & Events to Off-Street system for all TU's parking permits that require an access code. Department guests no longer have to go to the ParkMobile Reservation System to enter a code. Reservations are made online through the department. Get more information on Visitors, Department Guests & Vendors parking.
Parking on Campus
Receiving your free TU retiree parking
TU Retiree Parking
As part of your retiree benefits, all retired Towson University faculty and staff are eligible to apply for one (1) free Faculty/Staff Annual parking permit.
Applying for your permit:
- Fill out your Retiree Parking Application.
- Wait for your application confirmation email to be sent to your TU email address stating your approval as a retiree. As a Towson University retiree, you can continue using your existing email address as one of your benefits!
- Once you receive your confirmation email, you can obtain your free Faculty/Staff parking permit at the eParking Portal.
Enforcement, Citations and Appeals
All vehicles parked on TU's campus must have a valid permit during enforcement hours, which are 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fridays.
Reserved spaces (numbered spaces, Resident Life, etc.), accessibility spaces and safety violations will be enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you have been issued a parking citation, you must either pay the citation within 30 days from the date of issue or appeal the citation within 25 days from the date of issue.
Parking Signs
Please read parking signs carefully and park only where authorized. Examples of parking signs on TU's campus are below.
Commercial and Residential Areas
Students and faculty/staff members are cautioned NOT to park their vehicles in nearby commercial parking lots or residential communities while on campus. Many of these parking lots and communities have instituted parking programs that restrict parking to patrons or residents during specific times and violators are subject to fines and towing.
Shuttle Services
TU offers free, convenient shuttle service to all members of the campus community. For real-time shuttle predictions, visit TUTigerRide or download the TU Ride app from the App Store or Google Play.
If you take the TU shuttles to get back and forth to school/work, consider applying for the Sustainable Transportation Program. The program offers up to eight free parking codes per year for participants.
Campus Construction Updates
Our campus is always evolving. Access information about Campus Construction and how it may impact getting around.
Parking and Transportation Services is a part of Towson University’s Office of Public Safety
Contact Information
Parking and Transportation Services
Lower Level
8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.