Student Employment Opportunities

We hire many students for our programs throughout the school year. We look for motivated, dedicated, and forward thinking students to join our team. 

Group of students
Smiling OL holding up student bags

Orientation and First Year Experience Leaders

Applications have closed for 2025. NSFP hires over 150 students each year to support incoming students and their families. Orientation Leaders assist first year and transfer students, along with their families, through their summer orientation, as well as Welcome to TU. FYE Leaders join the team in August so that each student can have a supportive peer mentor as they transition to TU. 

NODA Summer Interns

Each year, New Student and Family Programs participates in the internship program through NODA: The Association for Orientation, Retention, and Transition in Higher Education. Our interns go on to successful careers in higher education, including many former interns who stay in the orientation/transition/retention field and the local region.