Faculty & Staff
Alphabetized list of faculty and staff in the department. Links on the right will take you to area listings.
Name and Area | phone number | CA room | |
Amato, Patricia (Voice) | mamato AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Ayoub, Jason (Instrumental) | jayoub AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Ballou, David (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | dballou AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2831 |
2090 |
Behnke, Alexis (Music Education) | abehnke AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Bellassai, Marc (Keyboard) | mbellassai AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
4049 |
Birkholz, Jonathan (Music Technology) | jbirkholz AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Black-Sotir, Carolyn (Voice) | cblacksotir AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Burt, Sam (Music Technology) | sbburt AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Carlson, Gretchen (History and Culture) | gcarlson AT_TOWSON | 410-704-6318 |
2106 |
Chase, Jordan (Theory and Composition) | jchase AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2829 |
2086 |
Chum, Ngek (Instrumental) | nchum AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Ciampoli, Christopher (Theory and Composition) | cciampoli AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2828 |
4053 |
Collister, Phillip (Voice) | pcollister AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2815 |
2108 |
Conte, Natalie (Voice) | nconte AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Cosper, David (History and Culture) | dcosper AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2830 |
2093 |
Crawford, Leneida (Voice) | lecrawford AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2818 |
2097 |
Creek, Meghan (History and Culture) | mcreek AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Criss, Mary Ann (Staff) | mcriss AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2836 |
3095B |
Criswell, Cody (Theory and Composition) | ccriswell@towson.edu | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Daglar, Fatma (Instrumental) | fdaglar AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Dierker, John (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | jdierker AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Dillon, Christopher (Theory and Composition) | cdillon AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2821 |
4065 |
Engelke, Luis (Instrumental) | lengelke AT_TOWSON | 410-704-4664 |
3100 |
Evans, Kathryn (Music Education) | kevans AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2257 |
3091 |
Ewell, Terry (Instrumental/Theory and Composition) | tewell AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2824 |
2102 |
Folk, Christian (Music Education) | cfolk AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Folus, Brian (Music Education) | bfolus AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Freilich, Melissa (Alexander Technique) | mfreilich AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Gempp, Karen (Staff) | kgempp AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2840 |
3095G |
Gotoff, Joseph (Instrumental/Band and Orchestra) | jgotoff AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Groom, Natalie (Instrumental) | ngroom AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Holmes, Stephen (Voice) | saholmes AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2825 |
2106 |
Horiguchi, Yoshiaki (Instrumental) | yhoriguchi AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Howard, Jeffrey (Instrumental) | jhoward AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2837 |
3096 |
Hultgren, Lori (Voice) | lhultgren AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2826 |
2098 |
Humphreys, Michelle (Instrumental) | mhumphreys AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2833 |
4056 |
Inger, Leah (Voice) | linger AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
4063 |
Jin, Min (Voice) | mjin AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2832 |
2100 |
Kennedy, Eric (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | ekennedy AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Kiken, Nina (Instrumental) | nkiken AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
King, Troy (Instrumental) | tking AT_TOWSON | 410-704-4378 |
3101 |
Kirilov, Kalin (Theory and Composition/History and Culture) | kkirilov AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2819 |
2101 |
Kleinsasser, William (Theory and Composition/Music Technology) | wkleinsasser AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2817 |
3102 |
Kuhl, Michael (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | mkuhl AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Lane, Christian (Keyboard) | clane AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Lee, Esther (Voice) | elee AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Lee, John (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | jmlee AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Leshnoff, Jonathan (Theory and Composition) | jleshnoff AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2845 |
2095 |
Luchese, Diane (Theory and Composition) | dluchese AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2823 |
2096 |
Mangonon, John (Instrumental) | jmangonon AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Mason, Tim (Band and Orchestra) | thmason AT_TOWSON | 410-704-5449 |
4059 |
McAneny, Marc (Theory and Composition) | mmcaneny AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
McCabe, Melissa (Chair/Music Education) | mmccabe AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2143 |
3095A |
McFalls, James (Jazz/Commercial Studies/Music Industry) | mjim AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2680 |
2109 |
McLerran, Marina (Music Education) | mmclerran AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Meadows, Daniel (Instrumental) | domeadows AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Mengelkoch, Eva (Keyboard) | emengelkoch AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2827 |
4061 |
Michaels, Derrick (Jazz/Commercial) | dmichaels AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Mills, Tammy (Music Education) | tmills AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Mueller, Alicia (Music Education) | aamueller AT_TOWSON | 410-704-4264 |
3093 |
Nichols, Sara (Instrumental) | snichols AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2672 |
2103 |
Palumbo, Savino (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | spalumbo AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Perkel, David (Instrumental) | dperkel AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Purdy, Michelle (Music Technology) | mpurdy AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Redman, Will (Music Technology) | gredman AT_TOWSON | 410-704-3271 |
3097 |
Reed, Jeff (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | jreed AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3081 |
Rickelton, Michael (History and Culture) | mrickelton AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Rigby, Jason (Jazz/Commercial Studies/Instrumental) | jrigby AT_TOWSON | 410-704-3272 |
2091 |
Sáez, Diana (Voice) | dsaez AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2825 |
2099 |
Schatz, Albert (Staff) | aschatz AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2834 |
4052 |
Schreck, Megan (Bands) | mschreck AT_TOWSON | 410-704-5485 |
4060 |
Spivey, John (Staff) | jspivey AT_TOWSON | 410-704-4633 |
3104 |
Steinberg, Nicole (History and Culture) | nsteinberg AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Stevenson, Cynthia (Music Education) | cstevenson@towson.edu | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Taylor, Malcolm (Instrumental) | mwtaylor AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Turner, Virginia (Instrumental) | vturner AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Vercoe, Andrea (Instrumental) | avercoe AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Wang, Hsiu-Hui (Keyboard) | hwang AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Waugh, Jack (Jazz/Commercial Studies) | jwaugh AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Webb, LaToya (Band and Orchestra) | lwebb AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Wharton, James (Instrumental) | jwharton AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Widney, Jason (Voice) | jwidney AT_TOWSON | 410-704-4004 |
2107 |
Wilson, Zachary (Instrumental) | zbwilson AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Workman, Glenn (Music Industry) | gworkman AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Yoo, Ka Nyoung (Voice) | kyoo AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2839 |
3095 |
Yozwiak, Taylor (Bands) | tyozwiak AT_TOWSON | 410-704-0520 |
4058 |
Ziegel, Aaron (History and Culture) | aziegel AT_TOWSON | 410-704-2679 |
2094 |